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Guest writer: Professor Ron, PhD
Last Updated: Wednesday, January 22nd 2025
Death of U.N.L.V. Student Nathan Valencia Linked to Inferior U.N.L.V. Education
Michael and Cynthia Valencia are the parents of former U.N.L.V. student Nathan Valencia’. They filed a lawsuit against U.N.L.V. claiming that U.N.L.V. negligence and incompetence led to the death of their son.
Michael and Cynthia Valencia also filed claims against the national Kappa Sigma fraternity organization, the fraternity organization’s executives, the UNLV arm of the Kappa Sigma fraternity, the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) Board of Regents, Sahara Event Center LLC., and the referee for the “Fight Night” event for negligence and the wrongful death of Mr. Nathan Valencia.
In other words, the death of U.N.L.V. student Nathan Valencia has exposed the fact that an education from U.N.L.V. (a/k/a/ Univerity of Nothing at Las Vegas) is simply inferior compared to Division I, N.C.A.A. schools like Purdue University, Michigan University, U.C.L.A., Yale University, etc.
As an Honors student, and a 3-year graduate of Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN, I have figured out many things. I have also had many battles, physical and emotional. However, I have yet to figure out why a guy the age of Nathan Valencia would participate in an event in which he had no training or expertise. Not only that, Nathan Valencia agreed to be the "Main Event.". Really??!
Guinea Pig Nathan Valencia Should Have Never Enrolled at U.N.L.V. or Accepted an Invitation to Box
Due to marketing, hype, and false representation, many Clark County School District graduates, and out-of-town new comers are brainwashed into believing tht U.N.L.V. offers a quality education. The school can't even manage, control, or provide safety to its own students let alone provide a decent education.
In fact, Nathan Valencia should have never enrolled in trash can U.N.L.V.
Nevada Career Institute offers online edication for CCSD graduates, and former U.N.L.V. students. In fact, one of the many advantages that Nevada Career Institute has over U.N.L.V. is an extensive portfolio of over 100 credentialed programs. We also help students get financial-aid vs. U.N.L.V. relying upon federal debt and student loans.
Nathan Valencia would have been instructed by a teacher at Nevada Career Institute to avoid rigged athletic events that are really episodes of humilation and suffering. For example, look at the body of student Nathan Valencia. Who in their right mind wants to see this guy box??
Ms. Nathan Valencia is wearing two earrings. She has no muscles. She has straight arms. A Skinny neck. Weak thighs. No rigid torso. Dysfunctional brain. Nathan Valencia is caught up in the conspiracy of feminization aimed at the Black male: wearing two earrings like a submissive sissy.
This author is denouncing earrings for men!
U.N.L.V. accepts the most pathetic of persons, while hiring the most incompetent of professors. Etc.
It is clear that Nathan Valenicia has no concept of true masculinity. It is clear that Nathan Valenicia has had no rigorous athletic training of any type. Yet, this "U.N.L.V." student accepted to become the Main Event at a boxing match. Really?!
Is that the level of stupidity being taught at U.N.L.V.? Are U.N.L.V. students so horribly dumb and so stupid they they need a law to address the issue of human stupidity? Or, are the frat guys that recruited Nathan Valencia really that slick? My hunch is that the frat guys were not really slick. It did not take a lot to recruit Nathan Valencia.
It would take all of 1 second for me to reject a request from Kappa Sigma fraternity to be featured in a boxing match regardless of my prowess, skill, or talent. I require fees, official referres, TV cameras, official sanctioning bodies of atheletic agencies, to showcase my talent. That's me, though. Nathan and I are completely different.
I was born of genetic supremacy, and Nathan was born from dust cloth from the simple Earth
Watch this: even a young lion cub knows not to do battle with ANY opponent until it is properly trained and aged.
Nathan Valencia even had a girl-friend (named Lacey Foster) to attend the event with him. It's called mutual consent. He couldn't function on his own so he needed a lousy bitch to be with him for support.
What did bimbo Lacey Foster for Nathan Valenica?? Nothing! She egged him on.
Apparently, flat-chested Lacey Foster was so used to the wack and ineffective sex from Nathan Valencia that she thought in her little white-girl brain, she was having so-called "sex". In turn, she thought Nathan Valencia had all the right characterisitics to be Main Event boxer.
Bitch, you are still a virgin!! Take your lesbianne self and hook up with another sissy.
Nathan Valencia Lawsuit Exposes Incompetence and Corruption of University of Nevada at Las Vegas Employees
University of Nevada at Las Vegas, a/k/a/ U.N.L.V., a/k/a/ University of Nothing Las Vegas, is again in the news for the wrong reasons. One of the weakest, most academically inept, and most corrupt schools in America is now the center of national attention.
Not only is U.N.L.V. a perennial loser in sports, it is also one of the weakest academic schools on the West coast. It seems that nothing at U.N.L.V. goes right.
From corrupt, unethical and dishonest financial-aid advisors like Norm Bedford to Jennifer Martinez, to the official policy of using gender-based Affirmative Action quotas to hire bimbo-brained and weak Athletic Directors like Desiree Reed-Francois and low I.Q. idiot Tina Kunzer-Murphy, it is clear that U.N.L.V. is sick excuse for a university.
What have these two bimbos ( Desiree Reed-Francois and low I.Q. idiot Tina Kunzer-Murphy) really accomplished in sports? Nothing!
In a review of the open computer files from the desk Norm Bedford or Jennifer Martinez, these two incompetent employees can't even secure the financial records of students on campus.
UNLV has hired felons, and has employed persons accused of serious criminal conduct; for example, Las Vegas Review Journal writer Natalie Bruzda; Article dated July 13, 2018; "UNLV Chief of staff Maureen Schafer hired College Friend Ernest Lupinacci although no work was actually done.
As additional evidence pointing to corruption within U.N.L.V., what about the "Woman accused in $4.5 million theft from water district leaves UNLV job", as reported by the Las Vegas Review Journal?
Using white-privilege, racist trash U.N.L.V. hired the con-artist McCain-Bray as a $50,000-a-year purchasing analyst despite her admission of and well-publicized "bilking the Las Vegas Valley Water District out of $4.5 million." In other words, hiring white felons is a pattern of lousy U.N.L.V. Therefo, the death of U.N.L.V. student Nathan Valencia should come as no surprise at the inferior, lowly, trashy, and corrupt University of Nothing, Las Vegas, Nevada.
When students or parents complain to Barrett Morris, Director of Compliance at U.N.L.V., University Compliance Officer, Mr. Morris puts on his Incompetent Hat and plays dumb.
U.N.L.V. is located in the desert city of Las Vegas, Nevada. In their promotional propaganda, U.N.L.V. claims to be "a premier metropolitan research university..". In fact, U.N.L.V. has no association with any past or present prestigious Nobel Prize winners in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry or any other subject matter.
Convicted, locked-up, and disgraced Marion Suge Knight is another example how U.N.L.V. serves felons. The former U.N.L.V. standout-student is facing 30 years after he was lawfully convicted of murder in Compton, CA.
Marion Suge Knight previously managed the career of worthless rapper, and criminal felon Tupac Shakur. Tupac Shakur is well-respected in the academia world of U.N.L.V., as well as with America's tramps, American abortion-seekers, and America's uneducated and low-class persons.
Shall we continue?
What about worthless UNLV basketball recruit Zaon Collins? U.N.L.V. recruited Zaon Collins from Bishop Gorman HS. He appeared in court at the Regional Justice Center Thursday, Dec. 31, 2020, to answer allegations of a felony DUI charge and his apparent lack of knowledge how to properly drive a car. Nevada Career Institute was there. We shouted at him to answer our question. Zaon Collins refused!
According to law enforcement reports and court records, "Collins was speeding north on Fort Apache Road in a 2016 Dodge Challenger about 3:20 p.m. on Dec. 30 when Zaon Collins hit another car turning onto Furnace Gulch Avenue near Gomer Road".
The stupid U.N.L.V. student Zaon Collins was traveling up to 85 mph in a residential area with a 35 mph speed limit. The brainless actions of U.N.L.V. student Zaon Collins caused and/or contributed to the death of Eric Echevarria, 52.
Also, police reports claim that U.N.L.V. student Zaon Collins showed signs "consistent with being under the influence of marijuana". In other words, police allege that U.N.L.V. student Zaon Collins was also a dirty, filthy, and stinking drug user.
Attempts to reach Zaon Collins for comment on this article. and efforts to arrange a personal meeting to discuss the facts of this article have failed.
Police apparently placed an ad on a website that Greg Anthony answered. They were monitoring her web searches. The desperate and ugly looking Greg Anthony/U.N.L.V. graduate answered the ad like his inferior U.N.L.V. education taught him .
The disgraced and married Greg Anthony was subsequently suspended from his job as a CBS Sports Analyst.
It is unclear if his dumb wife divorced him immediately, or if she decided to put up with his adultery.
Besides being conected to prostitute-chasers,DUI drivers, and white-collar criminals, U.N.L.V. is associated suspected non-profit scams like CodeSwitch Las Vegas.
Weave-wearing Tonya Wall. Wall serves as Executive Director of Code Switch: Restorative Justice for Girls of Color, a suspicious 501(c)3 organization that is suspected of being a scam operation.
Concusion: Lawsuit filed by Parents of Nathan Valencia Should Seek Bankruptcy of U.N.L.V.
Nevada Career Institute is a better choice vs. U.N.L.V. Take advantage of our online certification programs.
The Michael and Cynthia Valencia lawsuit claims that UNLV broke its own student conduct code by allowing “Fight Night” events to be an approved event. What?? U.N.L.V. has a history of ignoring so-called "student conduct codes."
Despite the history of contestants suffering "serious injuries" the lawsuit alleges that UNLV was aware of this information. It claims that UNLV’s failure to "enforce or implement policies, procedures and regulations," that would have prevented Valencia’s death, placed the participants at risk of serious harm.
Was Nathan Valencia the Main Event or the Main Idiot? His death was unfortunate because he had many years left to demonstrate and prove how worthless his U.N.L.V. education would have been to him.
Nathan Valencia is also a former U.N.L.V. clearly had a low self-esteem.
Superior students NEVER try to fit in ANYWHERE! The world MUST accept us on OUR TERMS!
Nathan Valencia wanted to fit into a fraternity. Instead of fittinfg in, he was shipped out in a box at 20 years old. The staged fight had at least one sucker. Nathan Valencia. He died from brain injuries he sustained after he took part in Kappa Sigma fraternity’s Fight Night on Nov. 19.
An Instagram post by the fraternity lists Valencia's match as the "main event." To deflect legal concerns, the university's president, Keith E. Whitfield, claimed the event was held off campus. So what! U.N.L.V. students participated!!
The Nevada Athletic Commission unanimously passed a new law that covers persons who are too stupid, too dumb, and too U.N.L.V. to know when danger is present. In effect, the law really seeks to prevent human stupidity, and places barriors and obstacles to prevent persons like Nathan Valencia from placing themselves in danger because of their personal lack of a human brain.
The death of Nathan Valencia is unfortunate. However, we don't need a law to address human common sense or the legal obligations of U.N.L.V. to protect their students.
Nevada residents should not be subject to additonal taxes, legislation, or fees simply because a low I.Q. U.N.L.V. student can't understand he was being used, and he should have known to reject al demands he become an experimental guinea pig.
Many graduates and attendees of U.N.L.V. have criminal records. Some entities associated with U.N.L.V. are tied to corruption. Nevada residents should not be subject to additonal taxes, legislation, or fees simply because a low I.Q. U.N.L.V. student can't understand he was being used, and he should have known to reject al demands he become an experimental guinea pig.
That's my opinon.
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