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Fact Checker: Professor Ron, Phd.
Related articles on Danielle Pieper-Chio:

Last Updated: Friday, March 28th 2025

Why Does Danielle Pieper-Chio Refuse Prosecution of Smokeshop Owner Johnny Nguyen?

Why Does Danielle Pieper-Chio Refuse Prosecution of Smokeshop Owner Johnny Nguyen? Does anyone in the entire state of Nevada have a direct, clear, and indisputable answer to that simple question?
How does a person who is filmed stabbing another person not be charged with assault and battery?
Is Danielle Pieper Chio a career prosecutor or a career fraud? Las Vegas Smokeshop Owner Johnny Nguyen has not been charged for assaulting a mere theft suspect.
Assault & Battery laws in Nevada seem to fit the circumstances of his outrageous violence.
Las Vegas Smokeshop owner Johnny Nguyen demonstrated his flare for using a knife. He demonstrated his privileged Asian status. Now, it is time for him to realize the strength of a writer's pen.
Danielle Pieper-Chio is the judicial candidate for Las Vegas Justice Court Department 9.
Danielle Pieper-Chio is a good con-artist. However, Danielle Pieper-Chio is not a great con-artist! She can trick many persons, but not all persons.
The very use of the name of Danielle "Pieper" Chio is fraudulent, misleading, and deceptive. She uses quotes around "Pieper" because she wants to appear as if that is her natural name or some sort of nickname.
Like Soonhee Bailey created the trick name "Sunny", Danielle "Pieper Chio is using a phony name with special characters to confuse voters. The local Las Vegas media is accepting this ruse.
The real name of this female fraudster is Danielle Pieper-Chio, no quotation marks. She feels too good to use hyphens. Danielle Pieper-Chio wants to super-impose her name over the name of her husband.
Danielle Pieper-Chio feels too good to accept the name of her current husband without conditions. A real man would demand ONLY his name be used.
For example, imagine Vanessa "Pieper" Bryant. That won't work with N.B.A. star Kobe Bryant. Kobe Bryant is a real man. Case closed! Moving on.
Sponsored by the Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce (ACC), Ms. Danielle Pieper-Chio, a/k/a/ Ms. Wuhan, has been serving Asian business owners like Johnny Nguyen very well.
Asian business owner Johnny Nguyen is certainly feeling good about not being prosecuted for Assault & Battery like so many Blacks, Hispanics, and non-privileged persons were prosecuted for similar acts.
Indeed, many Las Vegas residents feel that Johnny Nguyen owes his protection to Danielle Pieper-Chio. Both are Asians. Both are supported by the Las Vegas Asian Chmaber of Commerce.
More to the point: Danielle Pieper Chio refuses to arrest, and prosecute Johnny Nguyen for Attempted Murder allegations because she does not want to lose the support of Las Vegas Asian business owners.
Danielle Chio Refuses Legal Duty to Prosecute Las Vegas Smokeshop Owner Johnny Nguyen

Are Assault & Battery laws still valid in Las vegas? Apparently, these laws do not apply to violent Asian business owners.
Throughout the city of Las Vegas, Nevada, Asians are repeatedly being hired over other better qualified minorities. For example, the Las Vegas DMV is now accepting appointment-only because they refuse to hire qualified Black women, and expecially Black men.
Walk into any Las Vegas, NV Department of Motor Vehicle Office an there are at least 5 or 6 Asians working there and zero African-American men and only 1 or 2 Black women.
Asians are the recipients of a special new federal law that directs Fortune 500 businesses to feature positive images of Asians. Asians are profitting from the Coronavirus. Asian females are now prosecutors in the United States! The entire world is upside down.
On or about August 5th, 2022, privileged Asian business owner Johnny Nguyen, a Las Vegas vape store owner, took the law into his own hands. Johnny Nguyen decided to be the judge and jury.
The media reports that Johnny Nguyen stabs a so-called robber multiple times.
No Las Vegas-based media source inquiried as to whether or not Johnny Nguyen used justifiable force or if his actions were a legitimate measure of self-defense.
The main-stream media in Las Vegas, NV is the Las Vegas Review Journal. The Las Vegas Review Journal is simply a parrot for the local police force, and a mouthpiece for white-collar criminals. When has the Las Vegas Review Journal investigated institutional corruption? Never.
Although he offered no proof to substantiate his claims, Mr. Johnny Nguyen claims that he was fearing for his life in a failed robbery attempt at his cheap Vegas Smoke Shop, located at 4533 W Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89102
The entire sequence of events was actually filmed. The video has been posted on Youtube. The evidence is very clear.
From a purely legal perspective, it appears that Las Vegas Vape store-owner Johnny Nguyen violently stabbed a teen suspect without legal justification.
Regardless of the video evidence demonstrating his unrestrained violence, Danielle Chio refuses her legal and ethical duty to prosecute Las Vegas Smokeshop Owner Johnny Nguyen.
Danielle Chio is the same so-called "prosecutor" that accepted an endorsement from a California-based police union with known ties to police gangs.
One of the biggest complaints against Danielle Pieper-Chio is that she ignores corruption and thar she is nothing but a puppet.
Danielle Chio has prosecuted Hispanices for crimes where she allowed privileged donors or rich Asian business owners to walk free.
Any licensed personal injury or defense lawyer in Las Vegas will view these facts as the same. It is very clear that the oral claims made by Las Vegas Vape store-owner Johnny Nguyen are not consistent with the video.
Mr. Johnny Nguyen uses hyperbole and speculation to justify his barbaric, violent, and outrageous actions.
Our investigative research paralegal sent a first-class letter to the campaign mailing address of Danielle Pieper Chio at her campaign address of 6545 Fort Apache 135-200, Las Vegas, NV 89148.
The letter recited several cases, court opinions, Nevada Revised Statutes, where Danielle Pieper Chio was either been Missing-In-Action or has refused to uphold the same laws against Johnny Nguyen as she has prosecuted other non-privileged persons.
More than 30 days have passed, and Danielle Pieper Chio still has not responded. Why?
It appears from her record that Danielle Pieper Chio prosecutes the poor and the unprivileged.
Many feel that Danielle Pieper Chio is protecting Johnny Nguyen from criminal prosecution because both persons are of Asian descent, both are supported by extremist Asian organizations; e.g., Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce.
Inferior Whitter College education of Danielle Chio No Excuse for Incompetence

The fact that Danielle Chio attended lowly Whitter College is no excuse for her incompetence as a lawyer.
What part of the little brain of Danielle Chio is not capable of computing simple legal evidence?
Danielle Chio reported to the Las Vegas Review Journal in 2022 that she attended Whittier College in Whittier, California and graduated in 1994.
What she failed to disclose is the fact that Whitter College has always been a low-ranking and inferior school. She also failed to disclose that Whittier Law School had the lowest bar exam pass rate of all California ABA-accredited law schools for first-time takers. Ultimately, Whittier Law School became the first law school with full accreditation by the American Bar Association (ABA) to shut down in at least 30 years.
Danielle Chio simply lacked the I.Q. level to graduate from a top-tier University. Danielle Chio could not persuade a single Ivy League School or Big Ten school to accept her on the mere basis of being an Asian female.
Given the undisputed fact that Danielle Chio has an inferior education, does this fact justify her refusal to do her job? No, she is not justified to simply walk away from her legal duties.
What does Las Vegas, NV judicial candidate Danielle Chio need to do her job?
Does Danielle Pieper-Chio need more donations? Does Danielle Pieper-Chio need more massage clients? Does Danielle Pieper-Chio need more clients seeking Happy Endings?!
What Danielle Chio does not need is more video-taped evidence of criminal conduct. She has chosen to ignore that.
Villian or Victim? Mark .34 Seconds of Video Evidence of Stabbing Assault by Johnny Nguyen

Danielle Pieper Chio boasts that she has prosecuted over 50 felonies. How many of those cases involved privileged Asians? Zero.
How many times has she ran to become a judge for Las Vegas Judicial District Department 9? Once. Do the math!
The video clearly shows Johnny Nguyen did not act in self-defense.
The job of personal injury lawyers is represent clients who have been injured, or stabbed illegally, or emotionally damaged.
Before the stabbing, the Las Vegas Vape-store owner actually invites the suspects to literally take the merchandise.
Based upon that invitation, one of the innocent teens therefore agrees to the oral offer. He immediately jumps the counter and goes straight past the store owner.
At mark 0.34 of the video, the teen suspect jumps the counter and immediately places both hands on the top shelf of the rack. At the same time, the teen uses the right left hand to pull merchandise, and the right hand to balance himself.
How is it therefore possible for the teen suspect to be a threat to the store owner if both of his hands are occupied? Where was Danielle Pieper-Chio trained to be lawyer?
Apparently, the Whitter College education received by Danielle Pieper Chio has prepared her to be a Legal Idiot, rather than a Legal Prosecutor!
Was Johnny Nguyen presented with circumstances where he was legally and lawfully required or justified in stabbing an innocent person?
Lets review the legal arguments as to why Johnny Nguyen should be referred to a legitimate criminal prosecutor, who is not campaigning to become a judge.
Was the stabbing a result of a set of facts " urgent and pressing that, in order to save the person’s own life", Johnny Nguyen was left with no alternative but to stab an innocent person multiple times? Could Johnny Nguyen have dialed 9-1-1 or was he physically prevented or restrained from doing so?
A Legal Review of Vape Store Owner Johnny Nguyen: Is he Guilty of Battery? (NRS 200.481)

In a classic demonstration of consciousness of guilt, Johnny Nguyen tries to rationalize his outrageous acts with speculation and conjecture.
The Vape Store admitted to the media that he "did not see any firearm", and that he reacted because he "couldn’t take that chance.".
Depending upon which media outlet he was talking to at the time, the media-savvy Mr. Johnny Nguyen seems to have a different version of events. For example the Antigua Times reports: Johnny Nguyen claimed: "I was scared for my life", Nguyen told The New York Post.
Later in the afternoon, during the same day, Mr. Johnny Nguyen appears to have a different version of events. He later claimed: "When they came in, one of them had a bag in front of him like he had a firearm or something. I didn’t have much time to think."
With a different media outlet, Johnny Nguyen specifically claimed that he did not see any firearm. Which lie should we believe? The one in the morning or the one in the afternoon?!!
In other words, this violent Asian business owner is attempting to frame his argument in such a way to justify his outrageous stabbing attack on a person who was not convicted; was not tried in a court of law; and, who must be presumed to be innocent until proven guilty.
Case of Johnny Nguyen Proves Danielle Chio Does Not Deserve to be a Judge!
Cross Examination of Johnny Nguyen would help the jury understand his alleged criminal conduct.
It is clear that Danielle Pieper Chio has no respect for the U.S. Constitutional rights of local Las Vegas, NV residents. She cannot be trusted to protect your rights if she is elected as a judge!
The law is pretty clear. Under NRS 200.471, Nevada law defines the crime of assault as deliberately attempting to use force against a person, or placing the person in reasonable fear of imminent bodily harm.
Battery (NRS 200.481) is deliberately touching another person in a violent, aggressive, hostile, or simply unwanted way. Battery charges typically involve allegations of hitting,kicking,choking,cutting, or throwing objects at the victim.
Where in the video does the alleged merchandise thief engage in Battery against the vape store owner? Were guns drawn by the alleged thief? No. Did the alleged thief display any actual weapon(s)? No.
It is Johnny Nguyen who is out of control. Johnny Nguyen displayed violent, stabbing, and despicable behavior against an innocent teen student.
Regardless of public sympathy, there is no Nevada law that justifies the actions of Johnny Nguyen. He was not acting in self-defense of his person. He acted with anger! He acted on speculation! He acted like a violent Oriental (China, Korean, Vietnam, Japan, North Korea, etc).
Judicial Candidate Danielle Chio Recruits Others to Lie on Her Behalf

Instead of prosecuting violent persons who stab others, Danielle Chio is too busy scouting social media platforms looking for others to lie on her behalf.
Danielle Chio has used China's Tik Tok platform, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube to post misleading content boasting about her alleged superior qualifications.
Danielle Chio has recruited her own family members to become liars. She has recruited the daughters of Sara Chio. She has recruited her own mother. She has recruited corrupt police officers. She has recruited persons with criminal records.
Danielle Pieper-Chio has paid thousands of dollars to political campaign agencies to post misleading, inaccurate, and false statements online.
Johnny Nguyen and violent Asians will never be prosecuted because Clark County Nevada prosecutor Danielle Chio is simply too corrupt.
It is clear why Google, Inc has helped Danielle Pieper-Chio by censorsing content critical of her judicial campaign.
Both Danielle Pieper-Chio and Agnes Botelho, two lousy Asian female candidates, have teamed together to censor content critical about their corrupt judicial campaigns.
Brain of Danielle Chio too Weak To Prosecute Johhny Nguyen

It is a legitimate argument to assume that the brain of Danielle Chio is simply too weak to prosecute Johnny Nguyen.
Danielle Chio can't even comprehend plain video evidence of a direct stabbing of an innocent victim.
Let's face it. Danielle Pieper-Chio is a privileged, low I.Q. Asian female judicial candidate who lacks the genetics, educational background, and I.Q. to counter published facts.
To substantiate this argument, Danielle Chio uses a cheap Wix website as her campaign material because her weak little brain is too dumb to program the website without drag & drop child-like templates.
What part of the public stabbing video does the little brain of Danielle Chio not understand? The teen suspect grabbed merchandise while Johnny Nguyen grabbed a knife! How is that self defense?
In other words, the argument of Danielle Chio and Johnny Nguyen is that the mere grabbing of merchandise constitutes a threat to the life of another person? Where did wacky prosecutor Danielle Chio learn about criminal law?
What part of the legal definition of Battery does Whitter College grad Danielle Chio not understand? Imagine a black man doing exactly the same thing against a white teen suspect? Case closed! Charge the black man immediately!
The teen suspect was met with a barrage of knife attacks, repeated stabbings, and violent outburts by a dangerous store owner who based his actions on speculation.
The actions by Mr. Johnny Nguyen can be legally interpreted as either Attempted Murder or at least Assault & Battery. The suspect shouted "I'm dead." That is clear evidence the suspect was in fear of his life. All of this evidence is being ignored by judicial candidate Danielle Pieper-Chio.
No gun was displayed towards Johnny Nguyen. No weapon was displayed by the teen suspects during any moment of the video. The teens were misbehaving, that's all.
The repeated stab attacks were evidence of an intent not to defend, but to kill the suspect with rage and revenge without legal justification.
In theory, an ethical prosecutor can make the argument that the level of force used by Johnny Nguyen substanially outweighed the perceived threat, and thus his actions were not jusitifed. White Las Vegas judges have consistently used this argument when sentencing black/Hispanic suspects for similar cts. There are nunmerous litigated cases that underscore this point.
It is clear that the suspects' intent were to steal or take merchandise, and not to personally harm Johnny Nguyen.
The sad fact is that Danielle Chio simply is too dumb to understand criminal law regardless of how many cases she claims to have prosecuted or framed.
Cases Where Prosecutors and Danielle Pieper Chio Have Prosecuted Blacks and Hispanics for Similar Acts

Hello Johnny Nguyen. Are you also going to stab a member of our law office?
The peers of Danielle Chio have had no problem prosecuting Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans for similar acts.
Turns out we do not have to imagine anything. There are numerous cases throughout the United States, and right here in Las Vegas, NV where similar acts committed by Blacks or Hispanics were met with swift criminal prosecutions by Danielle Chio and her collegeagues.
There is no doubt a conviction can be obtained against Johnny Nguyen by an agressive prosecutor not controlled by Asians. His actions were outrageous. Race and privelege must be considered as potential factors why he was not charged.
Danielle Pieper Chio is a close friend of another corrupt judge, Soonhee Bailey. Ms. Bailey out-smarted the Nevada judiciary, and flim-flammed Nevada voters in a confidence scheme to become a Nevada judge.
Let these facts speak loud and clear. Judge for yourself! Imagine a Black store-owner stabbing a Summerlin white teenager?
Consider the infamous case of Wake Forest basketball coach Jamill Jones. Excuse me if we assume that Danielle Chio is too illiterate to follow judicial news.
In August of 2018, Wake Forest assistant men's basketball coach Jamill Jones was arrested and charged with third-degree assault in connection with the death of a 35-year-old Florida man who was in New York City for a wedding.
According to police, Jones allegedly punched Szabo in the face following a confrontation in the early morning hours Sunday that began when Szabo knocked on Jones' car window, thinking the vehicle was his Uber ride. The white male became argumentative, and threatening, and he was drunk at the time.
Mr. Jones defended himself, protected his property, and threw a single punch. Police said 35-year-old Sandor Szabo was punched in the face, fell backwards, and later died days later.
Danielle Chio should have known about the Jamill Jones case.
What about the case of Mariano Tejeda-Zuniga? The former Las Vegas, NV 7-Eleven clerk was sentenced to four to 12 years in prison for shooting a would-be beer thief as he ran from the store.
The case is nearly identical to the case of the privileged Las Vegas vape store owner Johnny Nguyen.
The office of Danielle Pieper Chio prosecuted our client, but refused to prosecute a violent idiot who could not restrain himself over missing merchandise?
The offices of Danielle Chio, a corrupt Clark County, NV prosecutor, charged Mariano Tejeda-Zuniga because he was not a privileged person. He was simply a hourly-paid Hispanic male.
Mariano Tejeda-Zuniga was charged with Attempted Murder, and battery with use of a deadly weapon. In other words, when a Hispanic or Black guy defends his merchandise, he is charged with Attempted Murder but when an Asian business owner does the the same thing he is a hero?
Asian Privilege in America: Case of Johnny Nguyen vs. Korean Liquor Store Owner Soon Ja Du: The License to Stab, Shoot, or Kill Americans

This office has spoken to current Nevada Career Institute instructors. Nearly 100% claim that Johnny Nguyen should be prosecuted.
Students attending the Nevada Career Institute at 3231 North Decatur Blvd. also believe that Johnny Nguyen should be prosecuted.
Maintaining judicial corruption, and privilege for the well-connected, is a major reason why Danielle Pieper boasts that she is endorsed by so many corrupt police unions, corrupt cops, corrupt lawyers.
It appears from a legal point of view, that Johnny Nguyen has been granted a license to shoot, to stab, and to kill his own customers simply because he incorrectly perceives the customers are threats. Residents should re-consider this suspicious business.
In other words, if you are walking into the Smokestrom Smoke Shop, located at 4533 W Sahara Ave, Las Vegas, NV, and Johnny Nguyen has a bad temper, he could theoretically attack you.
If Johnny Nguyen or any Asian business owner gets angry at you, the inaction of Danielle Pieper-Chio suggests that he can stab you and later claim he viewed you as a threat although there is no physical evidence to substantiate his suspicions.
Latasha Harlins (January 1, 1976 – March 16, 1991) was an African-American girl who was fatally shot at age 15 in March 1991. Her murderer was Soon Ja Du (Korean: ???), a 51-year-old Korean-American convenience store owner in Los Angeles. Du was tried and convicted of voluntary manslaughter over the killing of Harlins, based in part on security camera footage.
The actions of the Las Vegas Smokeshop Owner and the resultant refusal of white/Asian prosecutors like Danielle Pieper-Chio fits a long-standard pattern of Asian privilege.The murder of Latasha Harlins was caused by violent a violent Asian business owner who refused to hire any blacks. Oriental Soon Ja Du claimed that the African-American teen Latasha Harlins was attempting to steal a $1.79 bottle of orange juice.
In fact, Latasha had the monies in her hand to pay for the merchandise. As Latasha turned her back, Soon Ja Du shot the teen in the head without provocation.
Two African-American eyewitnesses—9-year-old Ismail Ali and his 13-year-old sister Lakeshia Combs disputed claims made by Soon Ja Du, saying that Du called Harlins a "bitch" and accused her of trying to steal.
Two weeks later, a series of riots under-scored the persistent Asian privilege in Los Angeles. That same Asian privilege exists in Las Vegas, NV today. That is a central reason why so many Police Unions back Danielle Pieper Chio.
The white judge sentenced the Asian business owner to probation! The decision sparked mass unrest at the time.
Concusion: Partners Danielle Pieper Chio & Johnny Nguyen!

Due to excessive censorship by Google, the Nevada Career Institute website is not indexed due its hard-hitting articles on corruption. Therfore, a runner from our legalteam will be hand-delivering a copy of this article to Las Vegas, NV smokeshop owner Johnny Nguyen to ensure he has an opportunity to read this Special Nevada Career Institute Report.
He will be provided an oppruntity to refute the article, and deny any perceived special privileges given to him by Danielle Chio. b
The question is whether Danielle Chio is simply too much of a coward to prosecute Johnny Nguyen or does she simply lack the intelligence or I.Q. level to do her job?
It is abundantly clear that the Whitter College education received by Danielle Pieper Chio has under-prepared the little brain that she has.
If Danielle Pieper Chio is a corrupt prosecutor, then she certainly will make a corrupt judge. Bet money on that fact!
Danielle Pieper wants to PROTECT corruption NOT prosecute corruption.
Johnny Nguyen is a violent person! He demonstrated his rage on a video. It is up the jury to decide his guilt or innocense.
The way to stop corrupt judges is with your vote. Do not lower yourself to the level of Johnny Nguyen or his chief protector, Danielle Pieper Chio.
Help expose corrupt judicial candidates by sharing this article. Force Google to index criticisms of corrupt judicial candidates.
It is the view of many Nevada Career Institure instructors that Danielle Pieper Chio is a puppet of corruption.
If you were the victim of being stabbed by Johnny Nguyen, or you injured emotionally or mentally while watching a youtube video of him stabbing another person, you have several legal options.
Persons affected by the likes of Johnny Nguyen have numerous options when corrupt prosecutors fail to do their job: an aggrieved plaintiff can file a Civil Rights lawsuit alleging violation of U.S. Civil Rights; Intentional and Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress; Breach of Oral Contract (He reneged on his oral promise to allow teens to take the merchandise); Assault & Battery, etc.
. Regardless of public sympathy, and corrupt prosecutor turned-judicial candidate Danielle Pieper Chio, the Las vegas Vape store owner should be treated the same way as all other non-privileged persons.
The supporters of Danielle Chio should be investigated as potential traitors to America. They would rather sell out the country to China! They want a corrupt judiciary. They want a puppet as a judge.
If you are voting for Danielle Pieper Chio, why not ask her to reveal her anonymous donors list? Ask Danielle Pieper Chio to reveal what countries have donated to her campaign. Ask Danielle Pieper Chio to reveal her passport travels.
Stealing $5.00 worth of merhandise should not be a death sentence or subject you to multiple stabbings.
The mother of Ahmaud Arberry had to prove official conspiracy inorder to even begin a criminal prosecution. There is a cover-up that is allowing Johnny Nguyen to remain unprosecuted.
That's our opinion. What's yours?!
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