Former NCI Instructor
Fact Checker: Professor Ron, Phd., JD
Articles related to Nevada Career Institute
3231 N. Decatur Blvd., Suite#119
Las Vegas, NV 89130
Fraudulent Yelp Reviews for Nevada Career Institute
How For-Profit College Scams Are Accredited
Use of Black Female Tokens as Overseers in Accreditation Scams
Horrors About Working for Nevada Career Institute
Lowly Educated Nevada Employee JoDee Susan Beckett Unfit to Decide Fate of Las Vegas Trade Schools
Last updated: February 01st 2025
Ex-Faculty Member Writes Professional review of Nevada Career Institute
Fraudulent Google, inc refuses to index this content. Google is a criminal enterprise ran by the Asian Mafia!
Ex-Faculty Member Writes Professional review of Nevada Career Institute. Please consider this Feb 2025 report entitled Ex-Faculty Member Writes Professional review of Nevada Career Institute Campus, and Key Faculty Members,
Nevada Career Institute is the fictitious or non-true legal name used by SOUTHWEST COLLEGE OF MEDICAL-DENTAL ASSISTANTS & PRACTICAL NURSES, INC to solicit Nevada residents for enrollment into very suspicious programs purportedly related to nursing, medical, and pharmacy proggrams. Thet advertise in low-income areas that are populated with persons who are desperate for a career, but who lack the self-knowledge to improve themselves.
With all the recent drama concerning Kanye West, Donald Trump, and their purported ties to White Nationalism and Anti-Semitism, I decided to amend this review.
While anti-semitism is a serious issue in America, so too is the behavior of certain Jewish business leaders.
It should not come as a surprise that a Jewish businessman named Mr. William Fuerst runs the racket commonly referred to as "Nevada Career Institute". Nevada Career Institute is a for-profit college. This term is very important. It means that the school is set-up to get money from customers, or students, at all costs. Plain and simple.
Mr. William Fuerst wants his money. After-all, the most successful rackets and enterprises in America seem to be run by men like Mr. William Fuerst. He has allowed his Nevada Career Institute Campus Director (obese Mary Ann Jefferson) to file false police reports against former employees for publicly criticisizing the company.
Apparently, the concept of Free-Speech is not recognized by the owners of Nevada Career Institute, and therefuch such speech is routinely referred to the local police department, the F.B.I., and any corrupt American law enforcement agency that is complicit in violating the U.S. Civil Rights of American citizens.
Under the regime of Mr. William Fuerst and his Gestapo Campus Director, students and former employees have publicly aired a number of grievances. The grievances include, but are not limited to, the following: allegegations concerning the filing of illegal police reports; the illegal recruitment of Las Vegas Metropolitan Officers to aid and abet the violation of the U.S. Constitutional rights of American citizens; the illegal recruitment of Las Vegas Metropolitan Officers to invade the jurisdiction of other cities without notice and consultation to the resident law enforcement agencies of such cities; the illegal theft of personal property of former employees; the publication of false, embellished, and untrue reviews to be posted by former and current Nevada Career Institute students in exchange for more favorable classroom treatment and/or employment referrals; and, the list of complaints simply is too exhaustive to list; allegations concerning the recruitment of employees at Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools to approve its accreditaton despite substantial evidence that such accreditation should not be approved; etc.
Ex-Faculty Member Compares Nevada Career Institute to Mississippi Burning
Although Mr. William Fuerst lives in a rich neighborhood in California, the majority of his students have an opposite life-style. Mr. William Fuerst is smart enough to target low I.Q. Hispanics, African-Americans, and unattractive poor white women who simply can't get a job on the Las Vegas Strip. The concept of hiring a Business Coach to improve their financial success is beyond the mental realm of many Nevada Career Institue students. The typical Nevada Career Institute would be happy making $15/hour or slave wages vs. $15,000 per month.
Since I left Nevada Career Instiute, my economic fortunes have improved. I would like to share my story with others.
How do I begin to tell this real-life nightmare about my employment at Nevada Career Institute ? I am a former vocational college school instructor at a campus operated by Nevada Career Institute. The school is located at 3231 North Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, NV. The Nevada Career Institute campus is in the seedy Red Feather District of Las Vegas, NV.
While considering a side job to match my teaching credentials in the Clark County School District, I stumbled upon a job-hiring poster about Nevada Career Institute in May of 2019.
Mary Ann Jefferson, the hefty-sized Campus Director of Nevada Career Institute on Decatur Blvd., routinely posts jobs on an Internet job board. Health benefits. High pay. 40 hours work week. Free lunches. Incentives. Many misleading statements.
I ignored the many clues, multiple hints, and numerous online warnings about working for Nevada Career Institute. The best employees leave Nevada Career Institute within weeks or months after being hired.
I was hoping for the best. I prefer to have an upbeat attitude about educational careers while doing my due diligence.
After a background check and proof of my Clark County School District credentials, and college diplomas, I was hired.
I was hoping for the best. I prefer to have an upbeat attitude about educational careers while doing my due diligence.
I have first-hand knowledge about facts that I saw and observed while teaching at Nevada Career Institute. I observed facts related to the courses, programs, lax enrollment criteria, high prices, unprofessional atmosphere, and the high-pressure tactics used to recruit minority, women, and low-income students.
I also have personal knowledge of the screaming that takes place behind closed doors when Nevada Career Institute recruiters fail to meet their weekly recruitment quotas. I have also heard the private insults and name-calling used by some Nevada Career Institute instructors towards students. I personaly witnessed out-of-control fights by Black women students against other women students.
My purpose in writing this review is not anger or bitterness. Instead, I feel a sense of relief in helping students make an informed educational decision. Is Nevada Career Institute located at 3231 North Decatur Blvd the right school for you??
My purpose in sharing this article is to merely help others avoid the personal nightmare so many others have went through, and to share what I went experienced and witnessed. Many former and current employees are afraid to speak out for fear of retribution or hooded men appearing at their door-steps at night.
In fact, writing this article is not easy. Teaching at a legitimate college of well-raised students is a dream for many instructors. What I don't like is seeing youthful students and the naive being taken advantage of by more experienced adults.
Lessons Learned in Life: Mississippi Burning vs. Nevada Career Institute
I entitled this article Parallels to Mississippi Burning and Nevada Career Institute because of facts not opinions. There are facts about Nevada Career Institute located at 3231 North Decatur Blvd that are consistent with facts of the Mississippi Burning movie. >/p>
There are facts about working for Nevada Career Institute that are similar to terror, torment, and mistreatment of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, or Michael Schwerner in Mississippi in 1964.
While working for Nevada Career Institute, I learned about the close relationship that Nevada Career Institute had with the local Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, and other so-called law enforcement agencies in and around North Las Vegas.
Like James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, or Michael Schwerner also learned, I also learned that a mere accusation, without evidence of any sort, by white female Campus Director Mary Ann Jefferson, is all it takes to have multiple police officers (moder version of the Ku Klux Klan) show up at your door at midnight.
Former employees believe that Beylor Meza, Mitchell Fuerst, Mary Ann Jefferson are in cahoots with corrupt cops.
I learned how and under what fabricated circumstances that Nevada Career Institute will command, encourage, influence, and/or solicit corrupt Las Vegas police officers to intimidate innocent minority employees, minority students, and online critics.
I also learned how for-profit college scams play minority students like a complete fool by deliberately allowing them to cheat without any concern whther they are learning a single concept!!
I learned that certain puppet minority students are rewarded to undermine claims of cheating at Nevada Career Institute.
Free-Speech is a powerful weapon against the corrupt. James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner also learned that free speech was feared by the corrupt establishment of Mississippi in 1964.
Free-speech by past or current Nevada Career Institute employees is strongly discouraged. Judging from what I observed and personally experienced, it appears that MaryAnn Jefferson, Beylor Meza, Mitchell Fuerst, Lisa Fuerst, and the operators of Nevada Career Institute will not hesitate to illegally recruit, solicit, and command corrupt Las Vegas police officers to violate the U.S. Civil rights of their minority workers and critics.
Exposing lucrative for-profit college scams in February 01st 2025 is just as dangerous as trying to recruit Negro residents to vote in Mississippi in 1964.
Hoods and white robes at night, and suits by day. I have worked with and personally met a number of former and current employees of Nevada Career Institute. My co-workers have included Medical Assistant Instructor Theresa Summerlin, Dental Assistant Instructor Eboni Taylor, Campus Director Mary Ann Jefferson, Career Coordinator Brian Mejia, Medical Assistant Instructor Lorie Silva, Director Roy Goines, and Human Resources Director Ethel-Garcia Thamis. All unqualified, incompetent, and very suspicious.
Warnings About Nevada Career Institute: My First Day at Work.
My very first day on the job at Nevada Career Institute was quite an eye-opener. I was actually warned by a person familiar with Nevada Career Institute. He worked for the property management company, I think. He was present at the lower level entry of Red Feather plaza, leading to the steps pointing to the second floor where the main offices of Nevada Career Institute were at.
As I began to ascend up the steps to the second level where the main campus is located at 3231 North Decatur Blvd., Suite #206, to meet Nevada Career Institute administrators, the older gentleman looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. His facial expression implied that I was making a wrong decision about accepting employment at Nevada Career Institute.
His actual words were very chilling, like a horror movie. I will never forget his gazed stare. He told me explictly: "Leave this place while you can, or you will regret ever coming to Nevada Career Institute".
I Failed to Heed Warnings About Working for Nevada Career Institute at 3231 North Decatur.
Do any of you readers recall the classic horror movie The City of the Dead, starring Christopher Lee, and actress Venetia Stevenson? Venetia Stevenson (a/k/a/ Nan Barlow) was the naive college student who was warned about visiting the fictional town of Whitehood, Massachusetts. Think of the seedy North Las Vegas, NV area of the Red Feather District as a potential substitute for Whitehood, Massachusetts.
As Nan Barlow pulled up in her car to make the final 1 mile journey to Whitewood, MA, she ignored the stranger's warning to "Leave this place, while you are still alive." Unfortunately, both Nan Barlow and I failed to heed strict and explicit warnings.
I asked the raggedly dressed person what did he mean by his grim warning to me about " will regret ever coming to Nevada Career Institute", he simply pointed at the main door of the office towards Ms. MaryAnn Jefferson, the Campus Director. He remained eerily silent afterwards as if his gestures toward the office of Mary Ann Jefferson would result in something bad happening to him.
I wondered privately if he was thinking that Mary Ann Jefferson would extract some type of retribution against him. Weighing over 300lbs, and standing over 6ft tall, Campus Director MaryAnn Jefferson was a very intimidating, large, and obese figure.
Missing Nevada Career Institute Employee's Prophetic Last Words
Ironically, I never saw this person again. It was as if rogue police officers that work for Mary Ann Jefferson or Mitchell Fuerst had something to do with this man's sudden dissappearance. Maybe even body-guards working for Nevada Career Institute top executives may have had some type of involvement. Aside from my gut suspicions, however, I have no proof of their involvement.
I asked a few of my white and Latina female friends to request interviews with Mary Ann Jefferson about the missing long-time Negro male employee, as well as questions about the legitimacy of Nevada Career Institute. Mary Ann Jefferson has repeatedly rebuffed all interview requests from critics.
The City of the Dead was a fictional horror movie, while Mississippi Burning was a true story. My employment at Nevada Career Institute more closely parallels the Mississippi Burning movie.
The warnings not to work at Nevada Career Institute, and the subsequent disappearance of the man who was secretly warning others about the horrors of Nevada Career Institute gave me the same type of chills as watching the lynching scenes depicted in the Mississippi Burning movie documentary.
Working for Nevada Career Institute, at 3231 North Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada, was like a true-life horror story. I continue to have nightmares this very day. I often wake-up in the middle of the night fearing the secret body-guards/NAZI police force of Nevada Career Institute. I imagine both Mary Ann Jefferson and Mitchell Fuerst wearing Ku Klux Klan hoodies while shouting racial epithets.
I never again saw the brave man who warned me about the horrors and evil occuring behind closed doors at Nevada Career Institute. Then again, no one ever say James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, or Michael Schwerner after their encounter with Ku Klux Klan operatives.
Where is Victim X? Missing Employee of Nevada Career Institute
I was determined to find missing Victim X. The Las Vegas media has ignored him. I even researched local Las Vegas NV newspapers for Missing Persons, but realized that my efforts to find this man was in vane because I had no first or last name to go by.
I became very concerned. I went to local stores and asked about this man. I talked to persons at bus-stops close to Nevada Career Institute. There was no trace of the man who warned me.
I even researched the Missing Persons ads featured in local Walmart stores. No matter where I searched, I could not locate any missing persons' data or pictures of Victim X of Nevada Career Institute.
On the last and only day that I saw Victim X at Nevada Career Institute, I recall he told me that he had been working the Red Feather District for over 15 years for the same meager pay without a raise. He claims he was never absent, but he never got a raise either. He also admitted that he sought to avoid Mary Ann Jefferson and Mitchell Fuerst at all costs.
What a coincidence that Victim X would suddenly disappear AFTER he spoke unkind words about Nevada Career Institute??
His words were remarkably prophetic in hindsight. He seemed to know that the end was near and that his secretive efforts at exposing Nevada Career Institute would eventually catch up to him.
What it Feels Like to be in the Gut of a For-Profit College scam
From the very first day on the job, it did not take long for me to understand why there were so many complaints, so much turn-over in positions, so many students who quit their courses in the first several days, and never returned, and so many false-positive reviews about Nevada Career Institute.
I also learned why so many for-profit colleges recuit veterans. I learned so much. I learned that for-profit college scams are very easy to set-up, the accreditation is a joke, and they are very lucrative.
I would later determine than Mary Ann Jefferson acts like a Warden over Nevada Career Institute. She spends much of the day monitoring security cameras looking for snitches or so-called Security Concerns.
I also learned first-hand that many of the students targeted by Nevada Career Institute were absolute academic and mental failures; many could barely read or write. Their math skills were at the Elementary school level.
They would argue with their highly-educated Instructor, myself, and blame me for their own genetic defects that limited their lowly brain from understanding basic mathematical concepts.
I personally witnessed severe student cheating on exams, students cheating on assignments, empty and hidden office spaces where no one was allowed. I observed that many students had their grades altered after they had in fact flunked the course(s) assigned.
I witnessed severe administrative dysfunction. I witnessed the fact that Nevada Career Institute was not being ran very well. Students were out-of-control, insubordinate, and belligerent in many instances.
I also witnessed yelling outside the door of the Campus Director about the need to recruit more students (i.e., victims).
I honestly felt that I was personally witnessing live scenes of a for-profit college scam or real-life horror movie unfolding before my very eyes.
Eerily, I began to feel like I was in the belly, the gut, of a for-profit college scam. I felt like I needed to correct it, expose it, or leave, or I would become one of the scammers that preyed upon students.
High Carbs and Dirty Weekly Office Meetings at Nevada Career Institute
When it comes to the weekly office meetings at Nevada Career Institute, Nevada Career Institute Campus Director Mary Ann Jefferson presided over all of the weekly meetings. Ms. Mary Ann Jefferson (a.k.a. Big Mary) was no petite woman.
The whale-sized Campus Director of Nevada Career Institute loves to eat fast food. Fries. Hamburgers. Big Macs. Nachos. Fat Burgers. 7-11 Big Gulp drinks.
Mary Ann Jefferson insisted upon Pepsi with her lunch food. For dessert, the hefty-sized Nevada Career Institute Campus Director loved Krispy Creme Donuts, and Pizza. Not surprisingly, the waistline of Mary Ann Jefferson was comparable to an N.F.L. Offensive Tackle or Center.
During the Wednesday morning weekly meetings held at 10:00am, at the main office of Mary Ann Jefferson, Suite #201, for example, the Nevada Career Institute Campus Director would discuss prostitutes, strippers, Adult toys, and other immoral topics that had nothing to do with the courses taught at the school.
The fact that the school was located next to an Adult shop called Adam & Eve may have had something to do with her interest in such raunchy topics.
Other topics discussed or volunteered involved dating Black men.
Theresa Summerlin gratuitously volunteered her attraction to Black men. She also volunteered her record of openly dating such men while residing in hostile North Carolina.
Many of the perverted and over-weight female employees in attendance would all laugh and giggle at the topics while smiling at the few Black men in attendance.
During the weekly meetings, it would be common for Mary Ann Jefferson to call and have direct conversations with Human Resources Director Ethel-Thamis Garcia while on speaker-phone. Pervert-to-Pervert talk. The office of Ethel-Thamis Garcia is actually located in the Glendale, CA office. Both would discuss unprofessional topics.
I personally felt that many of the weekly conversation topics hosted by Nevada Career Institute Campus Director MaryAnn Jefferson were unprofessional, rude, demeaning to my male anatomy, and inappropriate. I felt violated.
After all the immoral topics were finally discussed, and the laughter wore down, the issues finally got a little serious. Staff members would have to document their experiences with Nevada Career Institute students, and barn-storm ways to get more students enrolled.
In all weekly Nevada Career Institute meetings, Instructors are repeatedly reminded that Nevada Career Institute is a "For-Profit-School." and that their jobs required them to recruit students.
At all meetings, Nevada Career Institute instructors shared their observations of unethical behavior, student cheating, student fights, students' missing classes, student dress code violations, etc.
Other topics discussed were domestic abuse threats by boyfriends or husbands stalking certain female students on campus, complaints of dysfunctional leadership, corruption in the classroom, and the lack of safety for fellow Nevada Career Institute students from gang-like cliques operating on the Nevada Career Institute campus.
Actual Classroom Experience at Nevada Career Institute
During my employment tenure at Nevada Career Institute, I quickly learned that Nevada Career Institute Campus Director Mary Ann Jefferson and Instructor Theresa Summerlin are best-friends.
They are both obese, nasty-looking, and desperate Caucasion females attracted to the worst of Black men.
Besides having a similar waist line, they also shared something else in common: unprofessionalism, lack of integrity, and a common perverted attraction to thuggish, goon-like, felony-record, ghetto-type African-American males despite having a Southern background.
In other words, it would not be a stretch or wholly inaccurate to opiniate that both Nevada Career Institute Campus Director Mary Ann Jefferson and her best-friend Medical Assistant Instructor Theresa Summerlin are culturally White Trash.
For example: while mimicking a strong ghetto dialect, Campus Director Mary Ann Jefferson once bragged to an entire student class about having a "South-Central Los Angeles" boyfriend while she strutted her obese body into the Medical Assistant classroom of Instructor Theresa Summerlin. This very act occurred during an evening class session.
A diverse group of male and female students were attending a night-time Medical Assistant class taught by Ms. Summerlin. Some students were offended by the strong ghetto dialect used by Mary Ann Jefferson. Others students called Mary Ann Jefferson a class-clown for her amateur efforts to be Black.
Theresa Summerlin refused to rebuke Campus Director Mary Ann Jefferson, but she privately confided that she herself dated thuggish, and ghetto Black men in North Carolina despite local cultural opposition to such relationships.
Instead of discussing issues and topics related to Medical Assistant training, jobs, careers, and the need for Medical Assistants, the unethical and unprofessional MaryAnn Jefferson thought it was more important to broadcast to the classroom her perverted attractions since no educuated or quality white American man has expressed interest in her.
The Latasha Branch Incident at Nevada Career Institute
Whatever happened to Medical and Billing Coding Instructor Latasha Branch of the Nevada Career Institute Decatur Blvd. campus??
During one urgent Wednesday morning meeting at Nevada Career Institute, it was revealed that a Career Services Coordinator employeee had sent out a very insensitive mass email attacking a young Black female employee named Latasha Branch.
The email was sent by Brian Mejia, the favorite right-hand man of Nevada Career Institute Campus Director Mary Ann Jefferson. He sent the email in a mass-distrubution channel such that ALL employees in both California and Nevada received the mass email.
The target of the email was Latasha Branch. It allegedly attacked her teaching style, education, and level of competence.
Latasha Branch was extremely upset on that day. She emotionally complained to Mary Ann Jefferson.
However, given the fact that Latasha Branch was merely another lowly black female employee vs. the privilegeg white male Brian Mejia, it did not take a brain Surgeon to know who won that battle. The odds were not favorable for Latasha Branch just as the odds were never favorable to James Chaney.
Nevada Career Institute: Zero Tolerance Policy for Mistakes Made by Minority Workers
The email brought Latasha Branch to tears. Latasha Branch was so angry she threatened to throw someone off the 30-foot high balcony! She was furious at the company email that atta`cked her integrity/teaching style.
Brian Mejia is a long-time employee of Nevada Career Institute. He has been a Math instructor (although he has no degree or background that qualifies him to teach such subjects); and, he has worked multiple positions, including being a social media publisher for Nevada Career Institute.
I observed that virtually anything that the Nevada Career Institute Campus Director asked of Brian, Brian would do. Temper aside, Brian never argued with or discussed any so-called "problems" with Mary Ann Jefferson. They had an understanding of who to target by mere facial expressions, like the Mafia.
Just as in the movie Mississippi Burning, the local sheriff would not accept or tolerate any mistake(s) made by the lone Negro James Chaney. Nevada Career Institute has a similar policy toward their minority employees.
The slightest mistake made by any African-American employee, or their refusal to accept any mistake(s) made by privileged employees (e.g., Brian Mejia, or Mary Ann Jefferson) would lead to the termination or dismissal of the affected minority employee.
At all times, both Mitchell Fuerst and his slimy-looking sister Lisa Fuerst would always back the corrupt or incompetent privileged employees, but quickly dismiss the more ethical minority employees.
Guess which employee survived the "Latasha Branch mistake" and still works for Nevada Career Institute? Guess which employee would later leave or be dismissed once she determined how Nevada Career Institute really values their black and minority workers?
Final Week at Nevada Career Institute. Final Moments for James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner
James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner must have felt powerless facing Mississippi Deputy Sheriff Cecil Price. A similar set of emotions were felt by Latasha Branch, and myself.
Although the year is 2025, it might as well be 1964 at Nevada Career Institute, 3231 North Decatur Blvd. Minority employees can literally be lynched on campus and nothing will happen. Just as in Mississippi, the local police agencies will ignore ANY crime or offense engaged in by MaryAnn Jefferson, or other privileged officers of Nevada Career Institute.
It was no secret that Medical Assistant Instructor Theresa Summerlin, the best friend of MaryAnn Jefferson, was paid substantially more than all the minority female workers in the same position. Latasha Branch, Ebony Taylor, and all the other employees knew this.
Disappearing students. Disappearing workers. Secret rooms. Income dispaity.
Minority employees and students feel powerless facing Nevada Career Institute Campus Director, a/k/a/ Sheriff Mary Ann Jefferson.
The only legal rights respected by Nevada Career Institute Campus Director Mary Ann Jefferson when it comes to their Negro property workers are laws that ultimately favor Nevada Career Institute and/or Plantation owner Mitchell Fuerst. Parallels to Mississippi Deputy Sheriff Cecil Price.
Kelly D. Wuest of Nevada Commission on Post-Secondary Education Ignores For-Profit Fraud Alegations Against Nevada Career Institute
When minority employees have brought detailed facts to the attention of Kelly D. Wuest, JoDee Susan Beckett, and Oriental quota hire Maricris Wu, they all ignore the complaints.
Kelly D. Wuest, JoDee Susan Beckett, and Oriental quota hire Maricris Wu were all hired due to their race and gender and not their qualifications.
Since his election, Nevada Governor Brian Sisolak has appointed numerous unqualified Asians and white women to positions that they are unqualified for.
For example, Kelly D. Wuest is the Administrator of the Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education. Her educational background is a complete joke. Kelly D. Wuest publicly confirms her so-called "education" includes an inferior school called Grand Canyon University.
Grand Canyon University is not accredited as a Divison I N.C.A.A. school.
Dumb Kelly D. Wuest is either too stupid to comprehend detailed legal allegations of for-profit fraud against Nevada Career Institute at 3231 North Decatur Blvd., or Kelly D. Wuest is simply too fat and too lazy to read the report.
In fact, sources confirm that Kelly D. Wuest DID NOT REPLY TO, DID NOT ANSWER, AND DID NOT REBUT 50 pages of fraud allegations against Mary Ann Jefferson, Mitchell Fuerst, Beylor Meza, and the Nevada Career Institute located at 3231 North Decatur Blvd.
Every time a phone call is made to the office of Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education seeking to speak directly to Kelly D. Wuest, her staff claims she is either eating a fresh batch of Krispy Kreme donuts or awaiting an order of several Philly Cheese Steak pizzas from Dominoes Pizza.
Pizza-breath Kelly D. Wuest is no more qualified to be an Administrator of the Nevada Commission on Post-Secondary Education than she is qualified to manage her own XXXL waistline.
Kelly D. Wuest refused detailed facts about Nevada Career Institute just like local officials in Mississippi refused facts that could have prevented the deaths of civil rights workers James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner.
When confronted with detailed facts, actual exhibits, timelines, tape-recorded conversations, and corrupt practices vs. false advertising literature about the operations of Nevada Career Institute at 3231 North Decatur Blvd, Kelly D. Wuest hunkered down and simply munched on more chocolate chip cookies.
Neo-Nazis are bad, but fat Neo-Nazis are worse. Kelly D. Wuest acted like a sworn Nazi officer. She would have ignored the pleas of Jews being marched onto trains for the death camps of Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek and Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Kelly D. Wuest has ignored the cries, screams, and facts provided by minority students.
Kelly D. Wuest would have supported Adolph Hitler if he operated the same Nevada Career Institute managed by Mary Ann Jefferson if given the opportunity. She would have ignored the cries of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner.
Kelly D. Wuest by analogy has consistently ignored the cries, the screams, and the burned feelings of thousands of minority victims of Nevada Caeer Institute. She has turned her back away from the scene of hanging nooses just like infamous Mississippi Deputy Sheriff Cecil Price.
In America, racial minorities and poor women sre 10 times more likely to be victims of a for-profit college scam than other groups.
Last Day at Work at Nevada Career Insititute: "Did you watch the movie Mississippi Burning?"
On my final day at the campus facility at 3231 North Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, NV., I was brought in the office of Campus Director, Mary Ann Jefferson. I was alone with her. Brian Mejia stood outside like a prison guard.
Mississippi Burning Question
On my final work day at Nevada Career Institute, I was asked this provocative question: Did you see the film called Mississippi Burning? I softly replied that I had not seen the movie.
The NCI Campus Director stressed that I should watch the film Mississippi Burning to better understand how Nevada Career Institute really operates.
Upon detailed research of the Mississippi Burning movie, I determined that the film was based upon the harassment of U.S. Civil Rights workers and the intimidation of minority persons seeking to exercise their legal rights.
Ethel-Thamis Garcia, Mary Ann Jefferson, Mitchell Fuerst, Beylor Meza, Lisa Fuerst, have a record that gives rise to this type of publication.
Comparison of Nevada Career Institute vs. Neshoba County jail: Both Licensed and Accredited
Nevada Career Institute and Neshoba County jail have similarities in common. They are both licensed and accredited.
Nevada Career Institute and Neshoba County jail, however, share other similarities too. Consider their history towards Negro workers, activists, and minority students.
During my final week at Nevada Career Institute, I began to feel like the naive victims who were targeted in the Mississippi Burning movie. I could barely sleep because I braced for retaliation since I exposed cheating scandals were routine at Nevada Career Institute.
The critical errors made by James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner is the fact that they all thought they were dealing with rational, normal, and law-abiding persons. When minorites enroll at Nevada Career Institute, or work there, they think the same.
The respected looking, licensed, and law-enforcement certified Neshoba County jail was nothing more than a scam operation that set out to torture, harass, and illegally detain minority persons and those who supported civil rights for minorities.
Suspicious Accreditation Approved for Nevada Career Instutute by India Tips
The Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES) is one of the outfits that issued an accreditation to Nevada Career Institute. The ABHES is not without flaws. This agency has a checkered history of being linked to for-profit college scams. The U.S. Department of Education has detailed records linking the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools to a long list of failed trade schools.
If you know anything about for-profit college scams, it should be no surprise that a lackey black-female is involved. India Y. Tips is a long-time executive director with the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools, Inc., located at 7777 Leesburg Pike, Suite 314 N. Falls Church, VA 22043, Telephone number (703) 917-9503, for over 20 years.
India Y. Tips takes orders from her bosses. She is responsible for keeping all white male and Jewish owners of for-profit college scams and their suspicious businesses happy.
To that end, dirty India Y. Tips oversees the daily operations and all accreditation activities, including the review and implementation of Commission-directed actions. She serves as the liaison to state and federal regulatory bodies, including the U.S. Department of Education, national and other accrediting agencies, and credentialing bodies in the health field. In other words, she meets with all white men and keeps then happy.
Is India Tips a legitimate Executive Director? Is a prostitute also a legitimate nun? No!
India Tips is a prototypical black female sell-out. She is a puppet. She is a Toilet Paper Wipe! She is a carefully trained dog on a leash. India Tips refuses to venture anywhere near the limit set on her dog leash otherwise she will be fired from her job.
India Tips is very careful not to stretch or tamper with her dog leash for fear of getting fired from her job by the Plantation masters who own for-profit college scams.
Consequently, Nevada Career Institute located at 3231 North Decatur Blvd.. has thrived and has been allowed to violate the U.S. Civil rights of whistleblowers, and was issued a 5-year accredidation by an Uncle Tom Sell-out who has ignored the complaints of hundreds of students.
Executive Director India Tips takes orders from the same type of males who allowed the Mississipi Burning victims to perish.
Executive Director India Tips has been a good loyal dog for over 20 years to her dog handlers. Some may consider India Tips to be a disgrace to her father, her mother, and to her family.
An attempt to address questions directly to India Tips were filtered by her Jewish lawyer. In other words, nasty India Tips runs and hides when questions arise as to potential accredidation scams or how she really earns a paycheck. Such questions are referred to her Jewish mouthpiece.
Executive Prostitute? It would be interesting to see the medical prescriptions history of India Y. Tips over the past 30 years. Has Executive Director India Tips ever taken Acyclovir (Zovirax) or any STD-related medication?
Too bad that Mr. Lonnie David Franklin was never a resident of Gaithersburg, MD. It seems like he would have plenty of "dating" options.
Legal Similarities Between 1964 Neshoba County Jail and 2025 Nevada Career Institute
Both Neshoba County Jail and Nevada Career Institute were granted licenses to operate by the state.
Both Neshoba County Jail and Nevada Career Institute have all the required legal licenses, the legal accreditation, the paid instructors/deputies, and both have official buildings.
One cannot dismiss the fact that Nevada Career Institute located at 3231 North Decatur Blvd. certainly shares the same type of legitimate-looking legal appearance as does the Neshoba County jail in Mississippi.
Hanging in the building at 3231 North Decatur Blvd, Las Vegas, NV, are city licenses, state licenses, contact phone numbers, etc.
Certainly, in 1964, as well as today, Neshoba County Jail has all the required permits,legal licenses, legal accreditation, and licensed deputies to arrest James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner.
I did not see any visible nooses in the Nevada Career Institute building, or in the classrooms. However, neither did James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner see any images or pictures of minorities being hanged.
The vibes at the Nevada Career Institute do have a racist aura; it feels like a sheriff or police officer can be called for any reason to harass, intimidate, arrest, or even murder minority persons without any legal repercussions.
Sadly, Civil Rights' workers James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner experienced first-hand that legal accredidation or licenses mean nothing.
Consequences of Using Student Cheating as a Business Model at Nevada Career Institute
By reporting student cheating, and demanding that students be provided quality instructional literature, it is nearly the equivalent of trying to register Negro voters in the South in the 1950's.
Oh, so you don't believe this. Report student cheating at Nevada Career Institute as an Instructor, and see how long your position will last. If you fail to use black-slang, you are considered a suspect.
Student cheating is normal, tolerated, and incorporated as a business model in many for-profit college scams.
Student Cheating as Part of Business Model
Student cheating means less class-room instruction. Student cheating means costs savings. Student cheating means happier students who lack the genetics and willpower to learn certain subjects. Finally, by embracing student cheating, for-profit college scams may flourish longer.
The student-cheating formula is a major component to any for-profit-college scam. It allows the operators to milk naive minority students, provide inferior instructional material, get their money, and set them up for failure.
To intimidate myself from exposing these secrets, Campus Director/Deputy Sheriff Mary Ann Jefferson and her accomplice Ethel-Thamis Garcia arranged to steal my personal belongings during the final week. The objective was clearly to steal any personal notes I may have been taking in regards to documenting fraud and student cheating.
Apparently, they feared that I had stashed away evidence that could be used to expose Nevada Career Institute located at 3231 North Decatur Blvd, Las Vegas, NV as a fraud.
The fact of the matter is that as long as minority persons or students are the victims of crime or raped or abused by white instructors, or their personal property is stolen by the Campus Director, it is considered a Civil matter.
In other words, the type of abuse and disrespect suffered by James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner at the Neshoba County jail in Mississippi could easily be replicated at Nevada Career Institute as long as demonic persons like Mitchell Fuerst runs the school.
How Nevada Career Institute Uses Same Corrupt Police Tactics As Used Against James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner
After the bodies of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner were exhumed, evidence indicated that Mississippi Deputy Sheriff Cecil Price was in fact a member of the local chapter of the Ku Klux Klan.
This article does not imply that any employee of Nevada Career Institute is a member of any such organization. At the same time, neither is this article denying such membership.
Cecil Ray Price (April 15, 1938 – May 6, 2001) was accused of the murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner in 1964 only because of the involvement of federal F.B.I. agents.
Local police departments in America, including the same Las Vegas Police Departments in the back pocket of Mitchell Fuerst, are almost 100% corrupt.
Based upon my review of the media, history in America, and active police abuse cases, it is not un-normal to believe that police officers should never be trusted by any Negro person. James Chaney found this fact out the hard way.
Cecil Ray Price, or Mr. Jefferson, was the type of corrupt police officer that would probably be praised by Mitchell Fuerst or MaryAnn Jeffeson. He was never charged for the murder or the conspiracy to commit murder against James Chaney. He was, however, correctly charged and convicted in October 1967 of violating the civil rights of the three victims.
The comparison to the Mississippi Burning movie relates to Nevada Career Institute because of the actions and misconduct that involved Mary Ann Jefferson, Ethel-Thamis Garcia, and owner Mitchell Fuerst, and potential U.S. Civil Rights violations.
Did these three Nevada Career Institute employees in an effort to conceal student cheating, and other wrongs, deliberately violate federal U.S. Civil Rights Laws?
Keeping James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner Silent Forever: Nevada Career Institute Tactics
Besides a potential conspiracy to violate one's civil rights, what we know is this: within days after my peaceful departure, Deputy Sheriff/Campus Leader Mary Ann Jefferson and Plantation Owner Mitchell Fuerst made a demand to local police officers they controlled or influenced.
They DEMANDED that their corrupt, dishonest, and unethical police officers go to a personal residence as a reminder of the movie Mississippi Burning.
The officers indicated they were summoned to the home by Nevada Career Institute Campus Director Mary Ann Jefferson. They knocked on my home door. They screamed like animals. They yelled. They cursed. They repeatedly banged on the door like uncivilized Gestapo agents.
They shouted that they were employed with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police, which is a known Neo-Nazi American Paramilitary organization that targets African-Americans, Hispanics, the poor, and other minorites just as in the Mississippi Burning movie .
In studying the abuse of minorities and Blacks in Mississippi and the South, it was common to send police officers (a/k/a/ Ku Klux Klan agents) to their homes for no legitimate reason other than to send a signal that so-called "law enforcement" officers only work for privileged persons like Mitchell Fuerst, MaryAnn Jefferson, and persons who look like them.
The message for Black employees and minority students that Deputy Sheriff Mary Ann Jefferson wanted to convey is this: We will not respect your U.S. Civil Rights! We will not respect any Nevada laws if your are a racial minority. We will not respect your free-speech rights either!
The method of operation of Nevada Career Institute located at 3231 North Decatur Blvd. appears to follow strong parallels depicted in the Mississippi Burning movie.
Victims James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner did not have an opportunity to write about their tormentors. They all perished at the hands of corrupt law enforcement employees like Cecil Ray Price.
How Nevada Career Institute Used Recruitment Tactics Experienced by James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner
After watching the film Mississippi Burning, I began to sense and feel the comparisons. I soon saw that Chief Operating Officer Beylor Meza had posted information online about former Black employees, including myself, that they had been terminated for so-called policy violations.
In the movie Mississippi Burning, James Chaney was falsely accused of speeding on a Mississippi highway. He was illegally arrested, beaten, and brutalized.
Inorder to target minority African-male Instructors, Campus Director Mary Ann Jefferson, a/k/a/ Deputy Sheriff Mary J, would encourage certain students (typically self-hating African-American black females who were abandonded at birth, or other minority female students with low self-esteem) to target, harass, disrespect superior African-American male instructors.
In the movie Mississippi Burning, local pastors and residents who even contemplated helping James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, were similarly targeted, harassed, and berated. (self-respecting females would not allow themselves to be used) to post adverse and derogatory remarks about former African-American male Instructors.
I began to better understand how James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner felt in the 1960's. Employment laws and labor rights did not apply to African-Americans and minorities in the 1960's and sure as hell do not apply in 2021.
Nevada Career Institute: Use of False, Misleading, Troll-Generated Reviews
As an employee, I was informed that Google, Indeed, Yelp, and Facebook reviews were important to recruit students.
Since these platforms also accept monetary advertising from the same customer(s) they purport to host reviews about, any such reviews published on the Google, Indeed, Yelp, and Facebook platforms should be viewed with cautious suspicion.
Nevada Career Institute Campus Director Mary Ann Jefferson has direct orders from President Mitchell Fuerst to encourage or help generate more positive reviews since so many negative reviews have been published.
I have not witnessed any students accepting monies for positive reviews, but it is made obvious that students are pressured to generate positive reviews regardless of the true facts of chaos, fraud, and mismanagement that surrounds the student.
African-American, Mexican, poor female students and those students who lack cultural awareness are easy targets of recruitment. Instead of cash, the incentives are typically praise, student badges, or honors.
Nevada Career Institute: How Nevada Career Institute Recruits Unethical Students for Phony Reviews
Consider the case of Nevada Career Institute student Starr Peel. Instructors report that the divorced Nevada Career Institute student was a favorite of Mitchell Fuerst, Theresa Summerlin, and MaryAnn Jefferson. She stooped, cleaned, and bent over for her Masters at Nevada Career Institute.
Nevada Career Institute recruits easy females to serve the self-interests of Nevada Career Institute. Easy females are recruited to post incomplete, deceitful, and suspicious reviews that are designed to serve the interests of Nevada Career Institute and help boost Nevada Career Institute reviews.
As the Jeffrey Epstein case has proven, as the Mario Cuomo case has proven, and the women's #MeToo Movement, many courageous Anglo-Saxon white women are refusing to accept abuse and be used as puppets or pawns.
Black women have and minority female students of Nevada Career Institute ignored the #MeToo Movement memo.
After-all, there is a reason why North American Black women have the highest prostitution rate and Herpes rates in America.
Planted reviews by Nevada Career Institute puppets and their coached students simply cannot believed.
In return for their puppet acts, they may be offered a phony job; cheap class-room praise; and/or other immoral benefits from either Mitchell Fuerst or dirty Beylor Meza.
Nevada Career Institute: Vegas Jobs, Pay Wages, for Minority Workers
Nevada Career Institute: Pay Wages for Minority Workers.
Divorcee Starr Peel was in the Dental Assistant class of Nevada Career Institute Instructor Eboni Taylor.
Eboni Taylor would later leave Nevada Career Institute because she complained that her pay was lower than Theresa Summerlin. Despite this fact, easy females coached or recruited by Nevada Career Institute will behave like a loyal dog.
Student Starr Peel, for example, went on to claim that she got "...hired at my extern site from all the tips I acquired from everyone involved in my learning process.". However, a review of her Social Media Profile revealed that her last employment was a Waitress at the Paris Casino.
Submissive and easy female students attending Nevada Career Institute are often recruited to post phony reviews
Nevada Career Institute: Incentivize Reviews without Money!
Google, Facebook, Yelp Nevada Career Institute reviews are not to be believed since it easy for a for-profit school to incentivize reviews without payments.
Consider the suspicious review alledgely written by Brittany Johnson. According to Google, Brittany Johnson is also Local Guide and has generated over 100 reviews, and published nearly 20 photos. Really??
Brittany Johnson wrote that she was "Very happy with this school. The instructors are great and I know this program will bring me success..". Typical troll language.
What is certain, however, is that whoever Brittany Johnson is, she does not meet the typical profile of a Nevada Career Institute student.
The typical Nevada Career Institute student can barely write a single paragraph. Most Nevada Career Institute students are barely literate, have inferior math skills, and over 90% lack basic Algebra skills. They are recruited because soley because they can fetch thousands of dollars in federal loans.
Trolls, puppets, and pawns. Nevada Career Institute students are as desperate for a cheap education as are the owners are desperate for student federal loans.
Deputy Sheriff Mary Ann Jeffeson and Beylor Meza:
"U.S. Constitution is a piece of trash for minority persons"
Mary Ann Jefferson, Beylor Meza, and owner Mitchell Fuerst, have effectively communicated that certain aspects of the U.S. Constituttion do not apply to minority persons, minority students, or Negro persons, in general.
James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner all were made aware of the fact that their U.S. Civil Rights meant nothing before Mississippi Deputy Sheriff Cecil Price.
In other words, free-speech does NOT apply to Negroes and minorities who expose facts about the Nevada Career Institute campus located at 3231 North Decatur Blvd., Las Vegas, NV.
The literature printed by the Nevada Career Institute campus claiming "Non-Discriminatory" policies is as accurate as trying to describe Mary Ann Jefferson as a petite female.
I have personally observed Nevada Career Institute Campus Director Mary Ann Jefferson, and her wobble walk. I am very confident that this woman weighs close to 300 lbs., if not more.
Consider the fates of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner. They attempted to expose the corruption of Mississippi, tried to register Negro residents to vote, and incorrectly thought they were dealing with rational, civilized, and decent humans.
Boy, were they wrong!! I was also wrong!!!
When a Karen like Mary Ann Jefferson speaks, a corrupt white officer listens. I have first-hand knowledge of that fact and so do many other similar victims.
I have learned that Deputy Sheriff Mary Ann Jefferson, a/k/a/ Nevada Career Institute Campus Director, is THE LAW in North Las Vegas, NV, and in the city of Las Vegas. She will not hestitate to pull out her Karen Card against ANY Negro critic(s), students, or employees.
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