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NCI Automotive Technology Professor Dr. Drew
Fact Checker: Professor Ron, Phd.
Related consumer reviews on Summit Equipment Racing:
Pissed Consumer.Com: Summit Equipment Racing
Trust Pilot: Summit Equipment Racing Review
SiteJabber Summit Equipment Racing Review
RipOff Summit Equipment Racing Reviews
Scam Claims Against Summit Equipment Racing

Last Updated: Friday, March 28th 2025
Las Vegas Consumer Reports News

Summit Equipment Racing Reviews: Investigation into AutoRepair/Auto Equipment Scams!

Summit Equipment Racing Reviews

Is Ohio-based Summit Equipment Racing a legitimate company? Many Nevada consumers, Nevada teachers, Nevada auto-owners have asked that question. In fact, Nevada residents rely upon the superior content of Nevada Career Institute ti deliver Conumer News, and valuable Consumer Reporting.

According to Wikipedia, which is an online resource that bills itself as a "free encyclopedia", consumers are being led to believe that Summit Racing Equipment is an automotive parts retailer with four retail stores and distribution centers located in Tallmadge, Ohio; Sparks, Nevada; McDonough, Georgia; and Arlington, Texas. Summit Racing Equipment is also involved in motorsports and other events as a sponsor of racing events.

Autosales, Incorporated dba Summit Racing Equipment, is an an Ohio corporation distributing motor vehicle parts headquartered at 1200 Southeast Aveune, Tallmadge, Ohio 44278.

Summit Racing Equipment apparently started in 1968 in Akron, Ohio and grew to over 100 employees by 1993, with their mail-order catalog driving their performance auto parts sales. Summit Racing Equipment is a private company headed by Scott Peterson, President & CEO Al Noe.

Summit Racing Equipment has done an excellent job at marketing itself as a reliable, trustworthy, and respected company. However, does the company actually deliver on these promises? Sadly, multiple consumer-reporting websites seem to suggest that Summit Racing Equipment does not meet many customer expectations.

Summit Equipment Racing Reviews";

Summit Racing Equipment seems to offer more fluff than actual results. One ponders if Summit Racing Equipment marketing is analogous to a balloon filled with empty promises of outstanding customer service, great racial diversity, excellent automotive equipment, high employee wages, or is Summit Racing Equipment a ship sinking and in distress??

Is there any real and concrete evidence that Summit Racing Equipment goes beyond the curve to satisfy the needs of ALL customers regardless of the customer's race, gender, or socio-economic status??

Summit Racing Equipment operates a limited number of retail stores in these cities: Tallmadge, Ohio; Sparks, Nevada; McDonough, Georgia; Arlington, Texas. Regardless of the location, multiple consumr reporting websites claim that serious customer service issues still exist regarding Summit Racing Equipment.

The fact that Summit Racing Equipment chose Tallmadge, Ohio as their headquarters is rather interesting.

According to media sources, and online commentatry, the town is known for rednecks, ignorance, cultural backwardness, and for un-American behavior. In fact, according to the online resource Best Neighborhoods, Tallmadge, Ohio has a reputed demographic base of 89.7% white, and as a little as 4.8% Black, and Hispanic as 0.9%

Low Consumer Ratings of Summit Equipment Racing

Summit Equipment Racing Reviews

We have accessed multiple independent consumer reporting websites concerning Summit Equipment Racing. The consumer reporting websites we accessed include Summit Equipment Racing Reviews , Summit Equipment Racing Reviews>a>, Summit Equipment Racing Reviews,, the Better Business Bureau,, the Ohio Attorney General website, and other noteworthy consumer review websites.

Many of the consumer reporting websites that have tracked the consumer and employee reviews of Summit Equipment Racing detail horror stories of serious consumer dissatisfaction.

Online public complaints suggest that Summit Equipment Racing has a detailed pattern of both consumer as well as former employee dissatisfaction.

To put it mildly, lots of people are upset with Summit Equipment Racing.

On the other hand, reviews concerning Summit Equipment Racing on the Yelp Platform tend to be favorable.

The Federal Trade Commission has been investigating numerous companies for posting Fake Reviews and phony endorsements. The Yelp Platform is well known to be a common platform for rigged reviews.

Customer Service Supervisor Brock Phillips or Pat Dillon of Summit Equipment Racing: Public review of Summit Equipment Racing correspondence

Summit Equipment Racing Reviews: Brock Phillips Customer Service Supervisor

Pat Dillon is publicly identified as the Loss Prevention Supervisor of Summit Racing Equipment. Pat Dillon also has a public Linked In Profile..

In this role, Pat Dillon sends out electronic notices or responses to customers of Summit Racing Equipment that have complaints about the quality of products or services of Summit Racing Equipment .

Pat Dillon communicates consumer complaints to a person called Brock Phillips. "Brock Phillips", assuming that this person actually exists, then sends out official correspondence announcing that certain customers are banned, blocked, or directed to discontinue orders with Summit Racing Equipment. According to correspondence sent by the "Brock Phillips" person, he writes that he has the title of "Customer Service Supervisor" for Summit Equipment Racing.

In this role, assuming he actually exists, "Brock Phillips" has the role of resolving the concerns of customers and ensuring all customers of Summit Equipment Racing are provided outstanding customer service.

There is a LinkedIn profile and extensive public documentation for Pat Dillon, but no extensive public records for "Brock Phillips". It is not clear if "Brock Phillips" is the alter-ego of Pat Dillon, and the name of "Brock Phillips" is used to send vile, disrepectful, and unprofessional letters.

What Nevada Career Institute reporters were able to locate is a non-distinct LinkedIn profile of a person named Brock Phillips. It has no posts, no recitation of education degrees, and only 1 connection.

Given all of the many complaints and criticisms that employees and customers have about Summit Equipment Racing, "Brock Phillips" apparently has the personal time to send out Cancellation Letters to customers banning them from purchasing Summit Equipment Racing products, but no time to build his social media respect. What a great Customer Service Supervisor?! One follower on his LinkedIn profile!

Despite his role as Customer Service Supervisor, a so-called "Brock Phillips" sent out a letter addressed to one of our senior faculty Professors at the Las Vegas-NV-based Nevada Career Institute campus informing him that he was being banned from ordering Summit Equipment Racing equipment. The letter did not refer to the senior Faculty Fellow with the title of Honorable Nevada Career Institute Faculty Fellow, or Most Distinguished Nevada Career Institute Faculty Fellow, or even Mr. or Sir. The Brock Phillips letter was written on official Summit Equipment Racing stationery.

A person employed by Summit Equipment Racing using the name "Brock Phillips" addressed the letter to the first name of a Nevada Career Institute faculty professor as if the two had a personal friendship of sorts.

It is clear that the "Customer Service Supervisor" of Summit Equipment Racing, whomever he/she is, has severe personal issues affecting him/her. Clearly, the "Customer Service Supervisor" of Summit Equipment Racing is not going to be confused with a Yale graduate. It is also unlikely that the "Customer Service Supervisor" of Summit Equipment Racing was a high-school Valedictorian. The idea that the "Customer Service Supervisor" of Summit Equipment Racing graduated from college or high-school with honors or that he/she attained the Honors Graduate status, is also rather remote. In fact, there are serious concerns as to whether or not "Customer Service Supervisor" of Summit Equipment Racing even graduated from any high-school within the U.S.A.

If you review the LinkedIn profile of Pat Dillon, he also has occupied the role of Customer Service Representative, Team Leader, Supervisor. The education level of Pat Dillon is certainly not impressive, according to his LinkedIn profile. His education is listed as coming from Luzerne County Community College. Anyone outside of Ohio ever heard of this place??

In other words, neither "Brock Phillips" or Pat Dillon graduated from Ohio State University, or any Division I N.C.A.A. school due to a lack of intelligence.

Mr. Stupid Brock Phillips should have known that ALL letters or documents addressed to Nevada Career Institute staff, Nevada Career Institute reporters, or Nevada Career Institute students, are always subject to legal review, grammatical review, political review, and social review.

Summit Equipment Racing Reviews

From a grammatical perspective, the Customer Service Supervisor letter written by a Summit Equipment Racing employee does not come across as educated; does not come across as very articulate; and, the writing skills of the Summit Equipment Racing employee appear to be at a 9th-grade level. Educated and licensed Nevada Career Institute staff reviewed the letter written by the Customer Service Supervisor of Summit Equipment Racing, and reached the following conclusions: the Summit Equipment Racing letter does not come across as very articulate; the I.Q. level of the Customer Service Supervisor of Summit Equipment Racing is not very high; the Customer Service Supervisor of Summit Equipment Racing letter was poorly written; the Summit Equipment Racing letter contained glaring grammatical errors; the Summit Equipment Racing letter was not even addressed properly; the Summit Equipment Racing letter was not even indented; the Summit Equipment Racing letter provided no reference number; the Summit Equipment Racing letter evidences or suggests that the Customer Service Supervisor of Summit Equipment Racing never worked for a Fortune 100 company; the Summit Equipment Racing letter clearly highlights the sub-standard level of customer service expected from Summit Equipment Racing. and, the Summit Equipment Racing letter was consistent with a company that apparently hires poorly trained, incompetent, and uneducated persons instead of the best qualified persons.

The poorly written letter by "Brock Phillips" is newsworthy for several reasons. What type of company sends out letters banning customers? Why is the LinkedIn profile page of Brock Phillips so neglible? There is no person named "Brock Phillips" on the Endorsement page of the LinkedIn profile of Pat Dillon.

What we do know is that the sequence of consumer communications started with Pat Dillon. Pat Dillon then contacted a "Brock Phillips", and thereafter a person using the name of "Brock Phillips" sent out a poorly written letter on official letterhead and stationery of Summit Equipment Racing. What is not known if Summit Equipment Racing allows their employees to use fictitious names or fabricated LinkedIn profile pages to evade responsibility for their actions. .

Customer Service Supervisor Brock Phillips Nomination for Stupid Employee for the Month

Summit Equipment Racing Reviews: Customer Service Supervisor

Assuming that "Brock Phillips" is a legitimate employee of Summit Equipment Racing, given his neglible LinkedIn Profile page, there is an academic and social disgreement as to whether or not Brock Phillips or Pat Dillon are the best qualified and most intelligent employees that Summit Equipment Racing have to offer.

Consumers may consider alternative companies for purchases of automobile equipment.

Autozone, for example, is well known for and typically has superior customer service. Try NAPA too.

From a legal review, the Brock Phillips letter represents the face of Summit Equipment Racing.

From a political, consumer, and sociological review, the Summit Equipment Racing letter comes across as incredibly arrogrant. Critics retort: "Who really NEEDS to buy ANYTHING from Summit Equipment Racing?!! No one!! ".

Summit Equipment Racing is not a monopoly. The company is at the bottom of many consumer ratings in terms of consumer satisfaction. Not sure why Brock Phillips really needs to send out letter banning prospective customers when many consumers have already rejected and refused to do business with a company that stinks.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Hiring: Not Applicable for Summit Equipment Racing

One can always identify a trailer-trash ran company operated by lowly educated, unsophisticated, and semi-literate persons. A Trailer-Trash auto company is always operated by trailer-trash employees who coincidentally have never achieved any real success.

Scalawags are aplenty in Ohio.

Summit Equipment Racing seems to hire and promote the lowest trailer-trash walking the streets in Ohio, according to multiple and independent Conumer Resports.

Nevada Career Institute supports Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs. We do not support simply hiring trailer-trash persons on the bais of their skin color, or on the basis of having accomplished NOTHING except being born with pale skin.

Where as D.E.I. policies promote the hiring and retention of the best of the best (well-mannered, college graduates, high G.P.A., exvellent speaking and writing skills, diversity, culture, melanin), a trailer-trash company hires the worst-of-the-worst.

Summit Equipment Racing is certainly no where near the level of management expertise of a Fortune 100 company or Standard Oil; the legendary multinational corporation founded by John D. Rockefeller, Co-founder & chairman Stephen V. Harkness.

The founders and executive officers of Summit Equipment Racing are simply not smart enough, and lack the finances, to compete at both vertical and horizontal integration as an automobile equipment parts supplier.

The Customer Service Supervisor letter by Summit Equipment Racing raises the legal question: Is there a federal or state law that requires ANY consumer to purchase a product or service from ANY inferior company, or Summit Equipment Racing??

In reviewing the Constitution of the State of Ohio, there is not a single reference, a single law, or single chapter devoted to Summit Equipment Racing, or a requirement that consumers use Summit Equipment Racing. Consumers can REJECT Summit Equipment Racing; consumers can REJECT letters written by Summit Equipment Racing; consumers can REJECT ANY AND ALL CORRESPONDENCE by Summit Equipment Racing.

If a Customer Service Supervisor of Summit Equipment Racing has sent a letter to any consumer banning or prohibiting that consumer from using Summit Equipment Racing then consider the act as confirmation of the opinons of many others. You may have been suckered into their marketing hype, move on. Return your product and forget the nightmare of Summit Equipment Racing.

The Low Education of Summit Equipment Racing Employees

The Loss Prevention Supervisor of Summit Equipment Racing has publicly admitted that the extent of his so-called "education" is something called "Luzerne County Community College". The school is a complete joke. It is not a Divison I, N.C.A.A. school. No person of high intelligence is attending such an inferior and inadequate school.

What Zoo, broken home, or Animal Hospital in Ohio was "Brock Phillips" or his alter-ego raised at?? Can't imagine a person with that level of stupidity was raised in a decent home of basic humans.

The Summit Equipment Racing letter suggests that both the Customer Service Supervisor and Loss Prevention Supervisor of Summit Equipment Racing are quitters. When the going gets tough, the Customer Service Supervisor of Summit Equipment Racing quits like a loser, or bans tough customers. With his own pen, the Customer Service Supervisor of Summit Equipment Racing has essentially admitted he can't handle tough, curious, and demanding customers! The Customer Service Supervisor of Summit Equipment Racing apparently does not have the sophistication, the Customer Service skill set, the Emotional Intelligence, or the knowledge to meet or exceed the expectations of college-educated and knowledgeable automotive customers who refuse to be tricked into buying poorly engineered auto parts, who refuse to be tricked into buying automotive parts that will fail emission standards, and who refuse to accept sub-standard automotive parts tht are sold as "new" but are really re-manufactured from auto junkyard wrecks. Therefore, one may consider whether or not Summit Equipment Racing has assigned itself to only dealing with uneducated, or poorly informed customers, who can be easily fooled or tricked.

The Customer Service Supervisor of Summit Equipment Racing, whomever he/she is, may struggle with that Community College brain of his, but he is good enough to be promoted as the so-called "Customer Service Supervisor" of Summit Equipment Racing. That's how inferior companies operate. They promote persons with suspect education and who are members of the Good 'ol boys network.

In a vote of 23 (Aye) vs. to 0 (Nay), Brock Phillips, the so-called "Customer Service Supervisor" of Summit Equipment Racing, has been nominated by Nevada Career Institute Forum members as the Stupid Employee of the Month for Mar 2025

The Customer Service Supervisor of Summit Equipment Racing himself provided legal evideince in writing that allowed licensed teachers and more moral persons to review his contents. Consumers who have received similar such letters are encouraged to contact a Nevada Career Institute reporter.

What Customers/Employees Are Saying About Summit Equipment Racing

Summit Equipment Racing Reviews

When consumers talk, legitimate businesses are supposed to listen! Apparently, the so-called "Customer Service Supervisor" of Summit Equipment Racing either missed that memo, or he was too illiterate to understand its meaning.

The official letter by the Customer Service Supervisor of Summit Equipment Racing matches complaints filed by other consumers. We thank the Customer Service Supervisor of Summit Equipment Racing for providing supporting legal evidence of the flaws of Summit Equipment Racing. Good job, boy!

It is not surprising that multiple American consumers across the U.S.A. have serious concerns about Summit Equipment Racing. Instead of operating in America, perhaps Summit Equipment Racing should consider moving its staff to Aparthied-era South Africa; Neshoba County, Mississippi; or to mainlaind China.

One should not pity the employees of Summit Equipment Racing either. Each and every person working for Summit Equipment Racing chose that company over others. Each and every person working for Summit Equipment Racing knew what type of company they were joining.

When you join an extremist group, you should not expect team members to be supportive of common sense. If you join a Christian church, you expect to be surrounded by Christians. If you join a group of idiots, it is assumed each member is also an idiot.

If the employees of Summit Equipment Racing want to be identified as hillbillys, un-cool, boring, uneducated, wierd, losers, and/or culturally backward, or un-American, that is their choice. We live in a free country.

If you meet a person who works at Summit Equipment Racing, do not ridicule that person or assume the person is ignorant or a Southern hillbilly. It is possible the employee is a decent person. However, exercise your own personal caution.

The employee reviews on paint a disturbing picture of Summit Equipment Racing.

One former employee of Summit Equipment Racing writes:

"Management is awful, overlooked racist and sexist remarks constantly, and only promoted their drinking buddies"
"Management seems very inexperienced and lacks people skills and engagement, definitely gives off a good ole boys vibe with favoritism. Training is very unorganized and minimal. Outbound schedule is late in and late out."
"Summit Racing Equipment Defective parts---not willing to stand behind their products akron ohio"

The above type of consumer comments are consistent with the experience expressed by many other consumers and employees who apparently believe that Summit Equipment Racing has failed and refused to live up to their marketing hype!

By maintaining contact with active informants, faculty, sources, and contacts, Nevada Career Institute enjoys complete access to the 3021 N. Decatur Blvd. campus of Nevada Career Institute.

We are also happy to report we have a full suite of training for Automotive Technicians, and on-the-job learning on our campuses in California, Arizona, Utah, and Nevada. We have improved our suite of online programs, and we have offered superior customer support to students and families.

Summit Equipment Racing: U.S. Government Actions Against Summit Equipment Racing

Nevada Career Institute Summit Equipment Racing Reviews";

As it turns out, our government colleagues confirm that Summit Equipment Racing has a naughty record with the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Mr. BRIAN P. RIEDEL, Acting Supervising Attorney, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX , filed a CONSENT AGREEMENT AND FINAL ORDER PURSUANT TO 40 C.F.R. §§ 22.13 AND 22.18 against Autosales, Incorporated dba Summit Racing Equipment.

In other words, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region IX , a/k/a/ EPA, filed a complaint against Summit Equipment Racing. The EPA is the agency that enforces violations involving the Air, Waste & Chemicals Branch of the Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region IX.

Summit Equipment Racing was violating air pollution laws. The EPA aims to enforce laws inorder to reduce emissions from mobile sources of air pollution, including particulate matter ("PM"), non.methane hydrocarbons (''NMHC"), oxides ofnitrogen ("NOx"), and carbon monoxide ("CO").

What did the EPA allege against Summit Equipment Racing?

EPA's allegations against Summit Equipment Racing involved in the above-referenced Consent Agreement and Final Order concern parts or components for motor vehicles and emission standards.

Summit Equipment Racing Accused of Selling Parts Designed to Defeat Emission Requirements

Summit Equipment Racing Reviews

Due to the intricate nature of automotive parts, and the fact that most consumers are not really trained in Engine mechanics, auto parts, emission laws, etc., the automotive repair, automotive parts, and automobile equipment industry is ripe for scams. For example, the EPA complaint againstSummit Equipment Racing addresses a common scam: selling automobile parts that are designed to evade air pollution standards, or designed to trick or evade Smog Tests.

Legally, pursuant to Section 203(a)(3)(B) ofCAA, 42 U.S.C. § 7522(a)(3)(B), The following acts and the causing thereof are prohibited-for any person to manufacture or sell, or offer to sell, or install, any part or component intended for use with, or as part of, any motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine, where a principal effect ofthe part or component is to bypass, defeat, or render inoperative any device or element of design installed on or in a motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine in compliance with regulations under this subchapter, and where the person knows or should know that such part or component is being offered for sale or installed for such use or put to such use.

The federal government determined that Summit Equipment Racing sells and distributes motor vehicle parts to various individual customers located throughout the United States.

According to the federal complaint, on October 2, 2019, EPA issued an information request pursuant to Section 208( a) of the CAA, 42 U.S.C. § 7542(a). The objective of the request was to ascertain exactly what automobile parts did Summit Equipment Racing sell and/ot offer to sell over a certain period of time.

Ultimately, the investigation determined that Summit Equipment Racing was selling dirty parts that were designed to defeat government standards. It is that simple! Summit Equipment Racing was using dirty tactics consistent with deceit.

Specifically, the federal complaint against Summit Equipment Racing calls out these claims:

  1. Each Subject Part sold or offered for sale by Summit Equipment Racing is designed to bypass, defeat or render inoperative emission control
  2. A principal effect of each Subject Part is to bypass, defeat, or render inoperative.

Where to Find Ohio Attorney General Complaints against Summit Equipment Racing

Besides the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX, BRIAN P. RIEDEL, Acting Supervising Attorney, having filed a complaint against Summit Equipment Racing, it turns out that the Ohio Attorney General has received multiple inquiries regarding Summit Equipment Racing also. These inquiries incluide various assorted complaints ranging from from Failure to Deliver Product or Service; Misrepresentation; Refund; etc.

To obtain a copy of the actual records of complaints regarding Summit Equipment Racing, a consumer must submit a public records request pursuant to Ohio laws. Public records can be sent via e-mail at no charge, copied to a CD with a charge for the CD or photocopied for a charge of 5 cents a page plus postage.

All Ohio public records requests made to the Ohio Attorney General's Office are subject to Ohio's open records law.

Consumers willing to file written complaints against Summit Equipment Racing, may do so at the Ohio Attorney General website.

25 Unanswered Questions About Summit Equipment Racing

Summit Equipment Racing Reviews

The public complaints about Summit Equipment Racing clearly indicate a consumer-complaint pattern that the so-called "Customer Service Supervisor" of Summit Equipment Racing apparently has not resolved.

Based upon the consumer feedback posted by consumer review websites, and offiical correspondence written by the so-called "Customer Service Supervisor" of Summit Equipment Racing, we have developed numerous questions that Summit Equipment Racing has heretofore not fully answered:

  1. Does the current "Customer Service Supervisor" of Summit Equipment Racing have the intelligence, the will power, and/or the ethics to resolve a growing pattern of complaints regarding Summit Equipment Racing?
  2. Is the current "Customer Service Supervisor" of Summit Equipment Racing part of the Good 'ol Boys club of Summit Equipment Racing referenced in other consumer reviews;
  3. Is the Customer Service Supervisor or Loss Prevention Supervisor of Summit Equipment Racing competent enough to debate these facts and provide a grammatically correct written reply?
  4. Since her has not listed this information on his LinkedIn profile, what is the educational background, college degree, and customer service experience of the "Customer Service Supervisor" of Summit Equipment Racing ?
  5. How can the "Customer Service Supervisor" of Summit Equipment Racing explain the fact his LinkedIn Page sits at 1 follower, and 1 connection?
  6. Does a person named "Brock Phillips" actually work for Summit Equipment Racing or is this a fictitious name that Summit Equipment Racing uses to evade responsibility?
  7. If "Brock Phillips" really exists then why does he not share evidence of his past places of employment, skills, places of education, etc?
  8. Have employees of Summit Equipment Racing ever considered joining a union to force Summit Equipment Racing to improve pay, increase benefits, and allow for more over-time hours?
  9. Does Summit Equipment Racing use a racial/gender tier system when evaluating the credibility of consumer compalints?
  10. How does Summit Equipment Racing explain the volume of consumer and employeee complaints it has received?
  11. Is Summit Equipment Racing prepared to publish the percentage of employee applicants by race and gender who were denied applicant vs. those persons who were hired over the past 10 years?
  12. Does Summit Equipment Racing publish fake or doctored reviews or encourage its employees to particpate in such acts?
  13. Is the current "Customer Service Supervisor" of Summit Equipment Racing prepared to release a certified copy and examination of his high-school and/or college transcripts evidencing his ability to learn??
  14. What diversity courses, if any, has the current "Customer Service Supervisor" of Summit Equipment Racing completed in the last three years?
  15. How many letters has "Customer Service Supervisor" of Summit Equipment Racing sent over the past 7 years to consumers informing them that Summit Equipment Racing will no longer accept their orders; and what is the race, gender, and demographics of the persons targeted?
  16. If the current so-called "Customer Service Supervisor" of Summit Equipment is so smart and effective, then why do so many consumer reporting websites paint a disturbing picture of Summit Equipment Racing?
  17. Is the official and actual "Customer Service Supervisor" of Summit Equipment Racing willing to take a video-administered I.Q. test, filmed by an official Nevada Career Institute Professor, that measures his cognitive skills, reading comprehension skills, his skills in math, English, chemistry, People skills, and a sociology assessment test?
  18. Is Summit Equipment Racing knowingly or negligently shipping out defective parts to consumers?
  19. Is Summit Equipment Racing knowingly or negligently selling products that are designed to evade EPA guidelines?
  20. Is Summit Equipment Racing knowingly or negligently selling defective, cheap, and worthless products Made-in-China?
  21. Are any employees of Summit Equipment Racing associated with extremist groups, militia, Neo-Nazis, skin-heads, or other extremist organizations?
  22. Why is Summit Equipment Racing using the the address of consumers for purposes other than orders??
  23. Are customers granting permission to Summit Equipment Racing to receive non-sense letters written by suspicious Summit Equipment Racing employees?
  24. Why has the city of Sparks, NV allowed s company with the reputation of Summit Equipment Racing to be licensed in Sparks, NV?
  25. Are all of the employees at Summit Equipment Racing pure idiots, or is the Customer Service Supervisor of Summit Equipment Racing the only candidate for Stupid Employee of the Month??

According to online complaints numerous former and current employees of Summit Equipment Racing indicate that this company has a management problem, a peoples' skills probem, diversity problems, etc. What is Pat Dillon and Brock Phillips doing about these issues?

That's our opinion. What's yours?!

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