Rate, Comment, or Flag article: Governor Joe Lombardo Insults Nevada Voters with Appointment of Danielle Chio As Judge

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Is the Appointment of Danielle Chio ethical or fair given her recent judicial defeat in 2022?

I believe that the appointment of Danielle Chio is 100% unethical or completely rigged in her favor.
I believe that the appointment of Danielle Chio is somewhat unethical.
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I believe that the appointment of Danielle Chio was fair.
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Rate, Comment, or Flag article: Governor Joe Lombardo Insults Nevada Voters with Appointment of Danielle Chio As Judge

Post by lasvegas-schools »

Is the Danielle Chio Appointment legitimate:
"Republican Governor Joe Lombardo Insults Nevada Voters with Appointment of Corrupt Prosecutor Danielle Chio As Judge"


What Lessons Learned in Life has Joe Lombardo failed? Watch this video!!
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Re: Rate, Comment, or Flag article: Governor Joe Lombardo Insults Nevada Voters with Appointment of Danielle Chio As Ju

Post by VegasGuy »

Danielle Chio is friends with Joe Lombardo. The other candidates never had a chance. Besides, Daniele Chio was recently defeated in the 2022 General Election. Clearly, she feels entitled to the position. Apparently, the opinions of the voters do not matter when it comes to corrupt prosecutors or Republicans.

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Re: Rate, Comment, or Flag article: Governor Joe Lombardo Insults Nevada Voters with Appointment of Danielle Chio As Ju

Post by MikeyBoy »

Why can't this women accept the fact that the "VOTERS" of Nevada REJECTED her? It is incredible that this judicial candidate refuses to accept any moral, ethical, and legal defeat. She uses her corrupt MAGA friend Joe Lombardo to "appoint" her in complete defiance of the voters. No wonder why Asians are viewed as corrupt.

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Re: Rate, Comment, or Flag article: Governor Joe Lombardo Insults Nevada Voters with Appointment of Danielle Chio As Ju

Post by Natasha001 »

I completely agree with the article. Danielle Chio is simply too corrupt. The supporters of Danielle Chio have the same mindset as ignoring the crimes and abuses of Donald Trump. My favorite quote of the article is "The judicial application submitted by Danielle Chio to the Nevada Judicial Selection Commission, along with her campaign trail of dirty money, is an overwhelming indictment as to why Danielle Chio is simply unfit and unqualified to be judge."

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Re: Rate, Comment, or Flag article: Governor Joe Lombardo Insults Nevada Voters with Appointment of Danielle Chio As Ju

Post by JustAStudent »

I agree with the tone, the words, and the opinion of the article regarding Danielle Chio. She lost the general election 3 months ago. She cries out to her friend Joe Lombardo to achieve her twisted
dream of becoming a judge
at the expense of a majority of voters.

Danielle Chio is a puppet of police unions, and a servant to Clark County, Nevada District Attorneys. Any defendant appearing in her courtroom will have no chance at a fair outcome unless he/she is privileged or Asian.

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Re: Rate, Comment, or Flag article: Governor Joe Lombardo Insults Nevada Voters with Appointment of Danielle Chio As Ju

Post by LasVegasCareers »

I agree with everyone on this board. Danielle Chio and her supporters are too corrupt. Her desire to become a judge is clearly greater and more important than the voices of the voters.

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Re: Rate, Comment, or Flag article: Governor Joe Lombardo Insults Nevada Voters with Appointment of Danielle Chio As Ju

Post by EnforcerX »

Joe Lombardo has already demonstrated that he will run his office as a Nazi Dictator, appointing rejected judicial candidates who cannot win a general election. Danielle Chio has no prior experience at being a judge. She is relying upon Nevada residents to teach her. This is government fraud. The laws need to be changed.
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Re: Rate, Comment, or Flag article: Governor Joe Lombardo Insults Nevada Voters with Appointment of Danielle Chio As Ju

Post by VegasGirl001 »

It is important to note that Danielle Chio accepted an appointment by a Republican Governor. She was defeated less than 90 days ago in the general election. Instead of accepting her defeat with dignity, she prostitutes herself and begs Joe Lombardo to "appoint" her as judge.

Danielle Chio is corrupt to the core. This woman would sale her own daughter to Satan to be a judge. What is Danielle Chio leaving out of her background? Her personality is consistent with a street-walking prostitute.

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Re: Rate, Comment, or Flag article: Governor Joe Lombardo Insults Nevada Voters with Appointment of Danielle Chio As Ju

Post by NCI.Fan01 »

Republican Governor Joe Lombardo Uses the Asian Playbook to Appoint Corrupt Prosecutor Danielle Chio for Judge. The Playbook is scripted for corruption and unethical appointments.
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Re: Rate, Comment, or Flag article: Governor Joe Lombardo Insults Nevada Voters with Appointment of Danielle Chio As Ju

Post by NCI.Fan01 »

I agree. Danielle Chio of Las Vegas is a judicial prostitute.
NCI Agent007
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