Las Vegas Trade Schools Forum A discussion forum for students, employees, and staff working at and/or attending Las Vegas Trade Schools, vocational colleges, or taking online classes. Moderated by Nevada Career Institute Las Vegas. 2023-07-08T22:55:59+00:00 2023-07-08T22:55:59+00:00 2023-07-08T22:55:59+00:00 <![CDATA[Re: Judicial appointment by Governor Joe Lombardo of Danielle Chio]]> Judicial appointment by Governor Joe Lombardo of Danielle Chio simply confirms that Asians are puppets. Very simple. Here we have an official Clark County, NV prosecutor who was defeated in the General Election of 2022, and who uses Tik Tok to advertise, and yet China-loving Danielle Chio was still "nominated" as judge?!

When will America SURRENDER to China?! Might as well get it over with since the country has no morals or ethics.

Statistics: Posted by VegasGirl001 — Sat Jul 08, 2023 10:55 pm

2023-07-08T22:50:44+00:00 2023-07-08T22:50:44+00:00 <![CDATA[Re: Judicial appointment by Governor Joe Lombardo of Danielle Chio]]> Governor Joe Lombardo is an insect lover. He nominated a pet Oriental named Danielle Chio

Statistics: Posted by EnforcerX — Sat Jul 08, 2023 10:50 pm

2023-07-08T22:43:25+00:00 2023-07-08T22:43:25+00:00 <![CDATA[Re: Judicial appointment by Governor Joe Lombardo of Danielle Chio]]> Anyone that believes that a defeated candidate should be allowed to dismiss the hundreds of thousands of voters is a fool. Danielle Chio was "given" the job of judge by her corrupt Republican Governor friend. She can't win a general election because everybody knows that Danielle Chio is a puppet, a slave, and a prostitute for Republicans.

Statistics: Posted by LasVegasCareers — Sat Jul 08, 2023 10:43 pm

2023-07-08T22:33:44+00:00 2023-07-08T22:33:44+00:00 <![CDATA[Re: Judicial appointment by Governor Joe Lombardo of Danielle Chio]]> Danielle Chio was "GIVEN" the job as Judge. She has no experience as judge, and yet this pathetic Oriental was "nominated only because she is a puppet. Vote No against Danielle Chio in 2024

Statistics: Posted by JustAStudent — Sat Jul 08, 2023 10:33 pm

2023-06-23T14:48:25+00:00 2023-06-23T14:48:25+00:00 <![CDATA[Re: Judicial appointment by Governor Joe Lombardo of Danielle Chio]]> Danielle Chio is a perfect example why most persons do not trust Orientals. They always find a way to avoid the law, escape the legal process, or avoid a legitimate vote. Danielle Chio was DEFETED by the voters, so why was she therefore "Appointed" by a Governor who is now the subject of an ethics investigation?? Think about that. Danielle Chio surrounds herself with corrupt persons. Her entire career is marked with corruption, and deceit.

Statistics: Posted by MikeyBoy — Fri Jun 23, 2023 2:48 pm

2023-06-23T14:30:10+00:00 2023-06-23T14:30:10+00:00 <![CDATA[Re: Judicial appointment by Governor Joe Lombardo of Danielle Chio]]> So, if a judicial candidate is rejected by Nevada voters, and he/she is also friends with or a mistress to the Governer-elect, that is a loop-hole to become a judge??

Statistics: Posted by BadBaby01 — Fri Jun 23, 2023 2:30 pm

2023-06-23T14:23:39+00:00 2023-06-23T14:23:39+00:00 <![CDATA[Re: Judicial appointment by Governor Joe Lombardo of Danielle Chio]]> How is the appointment of ANY DEFEATED Judicial candidate fair?? At least, make her wait for a full year. Danielle Chio took advantage of her friendship with Joe Lombardo to become a judge over the will of the people. The People of Nevada rejected this cheap tramp. Danielle Chio is a "judge" for Republican Party members; others need not respect this judicial prostitute.


Statistics: Posted by LvegasCop — Fri Jun 23, 2023 2:23 pm

2023-06-22T00:25:39+00:00 2023-06-22T00:25:39+00:00 <![CDATA[Judicial appointment by Governor Joe Lombardo of Danielle Chio]]> Is the judicial appointment by Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo of Danielle Chio ethical and fair given the fact that the Voters of Nevada had already rejected Danielle Chio just 90 prior to her appointment? Judicial candidate Danielle Chio was overwhelmingly rejected during the General Election of 2022??

Statistics: Posted by lasvegas-schools — Thu Jun 22, 2023 12:25 am
